How to use the measurementseries in the CMe3100
What is the measurementseries?The measurementseries exists because of multiple reasons. One of th...
CMe3100 - How to create a TrustStore
This guide assumes the usage of the Elvaco recommended tool KeyStore Explorer Step 1: Create a ne...
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Information about name and description placeholders in measurement series templates
When entering a name, description or API identification for a new measurement serie you can use w...
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How to create a new measurementseries template in the CMe3100
The templates are made to regulate which data from the meters that should be created as a measure...
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How to whitelist datafields in a pushreport in CMe2100 & CMe3100
It is possible to whitelist datafields in a pushreport. It is possible in both the CMe2100 and th...
How to use the console (TELNET) with the CMe3100
The console gives you the possibility to administrate your CMe3100 with some standard commands.Th...
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How to use the Modbus Addon in the CMe3100
The CMe3100 do support the use of Modbus TCP/IP.  This means that the device will be able to read...
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How to add a runbefore command to the CMe3100 readout.
Runbefore commands can help you solve some meter related readout problems, such as; meters that r...
How to enable multitelegram on CMe3100
Some meters sends alot of information, and need to send everything over multiple telegrams, since...
How to add measurementseries from a multitelegram meter
To add measurement series from telegrams other than telegram 0 (first telegram), you need to star...
Reset / Reboot CMeX50/CMi5110
There are some ways on how to reboot, or reset the CMeX50. Reboot device use device cmex50addres...
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How to make an average temperature measurementserie for modbus
Log in to your CMe3100.Enter the measurement series section and press "New folder". Fill out the...
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How to set up push reports with CMe3100
By using a push report you can send values from the device to an email (or multiple), an FTP(S) s...
How to add a missing value into the CMe3100 modbus map
It could sometimes be that specific values from your meter, or sometimes even all values,  is mis...
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REST CURL curl getcurl --user demo:demo123 curl postc...
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CMe3100 - handle certificates
The process is as following: You export the public key from the CA root certificate. This can fo...