How to make an average temperature measurementserie for modbus

Log in to your CMe3100.

Enter the measurement series section and press "New folder".


Fill out the name and description the way you want. Then save.


Now press the pen icon to the right of the new folder.


Enter Measurementseries members.

Now you should add specific meters (members) to your folder. You can use the search window to make things easier. Activate the member by pressing the switch.

 Now they will be shown in your folder.


Enter the measurement series section again and then Add a new measurement serie.


Fill in the details about name, description etc as you like and how you want your new measurementserie to be represented.



Scroll down to source.

Now chose settings acording to the picture bellow.

Chose your folder that you previously created when selecting groups.


Set an upper, lower and minimum valid series limit if you want.


To speed up the process of getting measurement series values you can change to a shorter update interval and storage interval as seen below.


There is also a possibility to give it an error value of your choise. So if the meter cant be read, a number like for example 9999 could be shown in your modbus system.

Now save.

You have created a new average measurement series.


It will also show up in the Modbus Map.


Now you can activate it and use it.

Note: The measurementserie in your folder is not a copy of the original one. If you delete it you will delete all of that specific measurementseries, this could cause problems in your modbus map. So be cautious when deleting things.
Also note that modbus requires a modbuslicense.


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