How to enable multitelegram on CMe3100

Some meters sends alot of information, and need to send everything over multiple telegrams, since it all cant fit in a single one.

This guide describes how to enable this on the CMe3100.

It is critical that you enable the setting before your first manual readout of the meter. If not, the settings may not apply.


There is two ways to enable mutlitelegram, the general way or the meter specific way.

You set the general way by entering meters->mbus settings. Scroll down and allow multitelegram.


Set a maximum number of telegrams to read, if you dont want them all. If you leave it at zero, the system will get all available telegrams.


To enable it on a specific meter, press on the secondaryaddress at the meterlistwiev.

Enter settings and scroll down and enable it the same way as above.

Now you can read your meter and see if it applies properly, by entering the specific meter, press readings.


Now you can store a value and refresh. Then you will easily see how many telegrams you get with each reading.



If you still dont get any more telegrams you can try to force the meter to send more by changing the runbeforecommand to either reset or snd_nke . You find how to do that here:

If it still doesnt work, a reboot of your system and/or removing the meter, then adding it again can be a solution.




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