How to create a new measurementseries template in the CMe3100

The templates are made to regulate which data from the meters that should be created as a measurementseries. And how it should look like.

This guide will try to describe how you set up a new template so it fit your needs.

Lets use this meter as an example. It does not have any previous measurementseries created.

But it have some different values displayed from when it was read by the mbus master.
All default measurement series templates is turned off from the start.

The measurementseries tab on this meter is therefore empty.


Lets create a new measurement series template that only will affect "warm water" meters by the manufacturer "LUG" with version "9"
We should make it to generate a measurement serie showing only the signal strength.



Go to Measurement series -> templates -> add new


A new window will appear that look like this.


Name = the name of the measurement series.
More information about how to use the placeholders is found here

Description = will add extra information beside the template name.

Enabled = will enable or disable this template

Update existing series = if enabled the old series will be replaced by the new settings. If disabled a new serie will be created beside the old one.


Update interval = determine how often the measurementserie created by this template will be renewed.

Storage interval = determine how often measurementseries data should be stored. This will affect the resolution in the Report (graph) function.
Both of these settings is by default set to update when there is new data collected from the meter by the normal meter readout.


Manufacturer = specifies which mbus slave manufacturer that should be affected by this template.

Type = specifies which mbus slave type that should be affected by this template.

Version = specifies which mbus slave version that should be affected by this template.

When all these settings are set, press save

Now we have specified the template name, how often it should update, and which mbus slaves it should affect.




Next step is to specify which exact values that should be collected and turned into a measurement serie. 
Also how it should be named and represented.


Proceed by pressing "LUG meters" and continue to "measurement series information"


In this case there is no data specified so the list is empty. We need to press "Add new" and create our RF level data.


New windows will appear that looks like bellow.


Name = is the general name of these settings.

Measurement series name = Is how the data will be named and showed in general, for example in the modbus map. Depending on how this is specified you can ease your work naming a lot of meters at the same time that is affected by this template.

See this guide for further information about how to use the placeholders:
Information about name and description placeholders in measurement series templates

Description = extra information describing the measurement series.

Api identification = will specify how the api name of the created measurementserie will look like. This name will be used when using JSON and REST API.

Meter type = Will be setting the meter type of the value. If chosing "same as source data" it will in this case be set to "warm water"

Unit type = Will be setting the unit type of the value. If chosing "same as source data" it will in this case be set to "signal strength"

Unit  = Will be setting the unit of the value. If chosing "same as source data" it will in this case be set to "dBm"

Constant = will move the value comma up or down with a power of ten. This will for an example have an impact on the modbus values. It can help you to adjust the size of the value in an easy way on many meters on the same time.

Format = determings how many deciamals the value will have. This will also affect for example the modbus values. And can easily affect all values under this template.

Note; If you cant find the correct unit type or unit, you may need to activate it under 
system -> translations -> unit & unit type



Match on = is an easy way to match on raw data information directly without needing to specify in detail with the other available settings.

Unit type = is which unit type you wish to match your new measurement serie against.

Unit  = is which unit you wish to match your new measurement serie against.

Function = is which  mbus Function you wish to match your new measurement serie against.

Sub unit = is which mbus Sub unit you wish to match your new measurement serie against.

Tariff type = is which mbus Tariff you wish to match your new measurement serie against.

Storage number = is which mbus storage number you wish to match your new measurement serie against.

Frame = is which telegram number you wish to match your new measurement serie against.

For our example i will set it like this.


Then press save.

Now we have added one entitie.


Proceed to the main meterlist -> press any of the manual read out buttons to store values for the meters that you want to create your new measurement series for.


Now the new Signal strength measurement serie will be generated.













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