Reset / Reboot CMeX50/CMi5110
There are some ways on how to reboot, or reset the CMeX50.
- Reboot device use
device cmex50address reset
- Factoryreset device
device cmex50address resetb0
Then it's always a good praxis to force a continuously 'search of meter' by using following command after a minute.
device cmex50address sndud device.command.userdata=017C03696377FF
Connect to ip, and use port 9999 (default)
curl --user admin:admin \
'http://localhost:8889/Elvaco-Rest/rest/console/command' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"command": "device",
"params": [
, "resetb0"
And after factoryreset (resetb0), let us send 'search for meters' command.
curl --user admin:asdasd \
'http://localhost:8889/Elvaco-Rest/rest/console/command' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"command": "device",
"params": [
, "sndud"
, "device.command.userdata=017C03696377FF"
CMe3100 Interface
This feature is supported from version 1.9.1
And to start continuously search mode, you can use the predefined command in the command list.
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