The product handles all widely used wireless M-Bus slaves which conforms to the wireless M-Bus standard and/or OMS specifications. Both wireless M-Bus slaves sending installation requests and slaves only sending spontaneous data can be handled.
Installation mode can be started using the display or by issuing M-Bus command on the wired M-Bus slave implementation on the product.
When installation mode is activated, wireless M-Bus slaves sending SND_IR telegrams or SND_NR telegrams are automatically added to the slave list. The product can also be configured to only handle slaves which transmit SND_IR telegrams (installation requests).
Installed wireless M-Bus slaves will be directly readable on the wired M-Bus slave port on the product. Depending on key handling and telegram contents, the information will be available as standard M-Bus data (decrypted and readable) or the data will be put in an M-Bus container, which contains the complete wireless M-Bus telegram received from the meter.
Container settings can be changed in the display or by issuing M-Bus command on the wired M-Bus slave interface.
Currently, the product cannot be used to open an FAC window for bidirectional communication. This is a feature which will be implemented in future releases.
All telegrams from wireless M-Bus slaves are handled, but are handled differently depending on contents. If a telegram is encrypted or the C and CI-fields are unknown to the product, the telegram is always stored and available as container telegrams on the wired M-Bus interface.
Telegram types listed in Table 305, “Handled C-Fields” and Table 306, “Handled CI-fields for “extended link layer”” received from wireless M-Bus slaves are stored and can be read on the wired M-Bus slave interface with any standard M-Bus software. Only the latest telegram received from a wireless M-Bus slave is stored.
The product also adds an optional information block on the wired M-Bus interface before the actual wireless M-Bus telegram information. The information block added depends on the DIF/VIF mode set.
Table 305. Handled C-Fields
C-Field |
Symbolic name |
Description |
0x44 |
Send unsolicited/periodical application data from meter without request from master unit (Send /No Reply). |
0x46 |
Manually initiated sending of telegram with request for installation in master unit (Send Installation Request). |
0x08, 0x18, 0x28, or 0x38 |
Sending of application data after a request from the master (response of user data). |
Table 306. Handled CI-fields for “extended link layer”
C-Field |
Designation |
Description |
0x8C |
Type I with CC- and ACC-field |
Encryption not possible. |
0x8D |
Type II with CC-, ACC-, SN and PLCRC-field |
Encryption type 1 for extended link layer is supported (AES128/CTR). |
0x8E |
Type III with CC-, ACC-, M2-, and A2-field |
Encryption not possible. The fields M2 and A2 are intended for destination address and are presently ignored by the product. |
0x8F |
Typ IV with CC-, ACC-, M2-, A2-, SN- and PLCRC-field |
Encryption type 1 for extended link layer is supported (AES128/CTR). The fields M2 and A2 are intended for destination address and are presently ignored by the product. |
Table 307. Handled CI-fields for application data
C-Field |
Designation |
Description |
0x72 |
Normal data telegram with long application header |
Telegram with 12-byte header. Secondary address for the corresponding virtualized meter on wired M-Bus is taken from the ID-field in this header. |
0x73 |
”Compact frame” data telegram with ”long application” header |
Same as above. |
0x6B |
”Compact frame” format telegram with ”long application” header |
Same as above. |
0x6F |
”Application error”-telegram with ”long application” header |
Same as above. |
0x75 |
”Alarm”-telegram with ”long application” header |
Same as above. |
0x7A |
Normal data telegram with ”short application” header |
Telegram with 4-byte header. Secondary address for the corresponding virtualized meter on wired M-Bus is taken from the ID-field ”Link layer header”. |
0x7B |
”Compact frame” datatelegram with ”short application” header |
Same as above. |
0x6A |
”Compact frame” format telegram with ” short application” header |
Same as above. |
0x6E |
”Application error”-telegram with ”short application” header |
Same as above. |
0x74 |
”Alarm”-telegram with ”short application” header |
Same as above. |
0x79 |
”Compact frame” data telegram without header |
Ignored or sent in data container on wired M-Bus depending on the setting ”CI=0x79 mode”. |
0x69 |
”Compact frame” format telegram without header |
Same as above. |
0x78 |
Normal data telegram without header |
Secondary address for the corresponding virtualized meter on wired M-Bus is taken from the ID-field ”Link layer header”. |
0xA1 |
Maddalena water meter with annual periodic reading |
This is a special format for Maddalena water meters. The product supports decryption of these telegrams with Maddalena’s own algorithm that uses a 64-bit key. It is the last 8 bytes of installed decryption key (meter specific or global) that are used, the first 8 bytes of the key are ignored and are for example set to 0x00. The secondary address for corresponding virtualized meter on wired M-Bus is taken from the ID-field in ”Link layer header” whose format is not following the standard EN13757-4. |
0xA2 |
Maddalena water meter with monthly periodic reading |
Same as above. |
0xA3 |
Maddalena water meter with weekly periodic reading |
Same as above. |
The following image describes how data is mapped from the received wireless M-Bus telegram to the wired M-Bus telegram. The wired secondary address is taken from the M-Field and A-Field from the wireless M-Bus telegram. The wired A-Field is automatically assigned upon installation.
Wireless M-Bus telegram with no header data mapping
The following image describes how data is mapped from the received wireless M-Bus telegram to the wired M-Bus telegram. The wired secondary address is taken from the M-Field and A-Field from the wireless M-Bus telegram. The wired A-Field is automatically assigned upon installation. The short header information received in the wireless M-Bus telegram is not used on the wired M-Bus interface.
Wireless M-Bus telegram with short header data mapping
The following image describes how data is mapped from the received wireless M-Bus telegram to the wired M-Bus telegram. The wired secondary address is taken from the long header from the wireless M-Bus telegram. The wired A-Field is automatically assigned upon installation.
Wireless M-Bus telegram with long header data mapping
The actual CI-field contained in the payload data is handled according to previous description of no, short and long header.
The wireless M-Bus telegram will be placed in an M-Bus container if one or more of the following criteria’s are met:
C- and CI-Field are unknown to the product
The wireless M-Bus telegram is encrypted and no key is set
The wireless M-Bus telegram is encrypted, private or global key is set, but encryption mode is set to “None”
The wireless M-Bus telegram is encrypted, wrong key or wrong encryption mode is set
The global setting for wired mode is set to “Container”
Wireless M-Bus telegram container data mapping
The DIF/VIF Container description is identified by following DIF/VIF data:
0x0D 0xFD 0x3B 0xnn
where 0xnn is the length of the complete wireless M-Bus telegram (length of the container).
The wired M-Bus slave interface of the product is used to read data received from wireless M-Bus slaves and also to read/write configuration of the CMeX50 product.
There are four ports available on the CMeX50: IR-interface, RS232, USB and M-Bus slave port. All ports have the same application layer functionality.
The product can be identified by the following information:
Manufacturer string = ELV
Medium = 0x31 (OMS MUC)
Generation = 01-09
The Generation field between product releases will only change (increase by 1) if the M-Bus protocol information changes between versions. Use the software version field in the M-Bus telegram to identify the current software version.
The product can be addressed using primary or secondary addressing. The secondary address of the product is by default set to the serial number of the product. The secondary address and primary address can be changed on demand using the display or by issuing standard M-Bus commands.
The connected wireless M-Bus slaves are addressed by primary and secondary address. The primary address of the connected slave can be changed, but not the secondary address which is taken from the wireless M-Bus telegram information received from the meter.
Connected wireless M-Bus slaves can also be read using enhanced secondary addressing, which is used when multiple CMeX50 exist on the same 2-wire M-Bus and the same wireless M-Bus slave resides on more than one CMeX50. This avoids possible multiple secondary addresses used on the same 2-wire M-Bus.
The product can handle 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 baud. No auto-baud detection is available. The baud rate can be changed using M-Bus standard commands. Default baud rate is set to 2400 baud.
M-Bus master break signals are handled according to the M-Bus standard. Any on-going communication from M-Bus slave to master will be aborted on break detection from the M-Bus master.
The CMeX50 will generate a break and garbage data and send to the requesting M-Bus master on a collision between virtualized slaves and/or the CMeX50. In this way the installed M-Bus slaves will behave like any other normal wired M-Bus installation.
Multi-telegram mode, or FCB-bit toggling, is implemented in the product. By toggling the FCB bit with FCV bit set, the CMeX50 will reply with the following information:
Telegram 1: Configuration and status of the CMeX50
Telegram 2..n: Information and status of connected wireless M-Bus slaves
The optional information field is included before the actual payload data received from the wireless M-Bus slave. This data is used to give more information about the received telegram. The optional information included depends on the DIF/VIF mode configured.
Table 308. DIF/VIF modes
DIF/VIF mode |
Description |
Auto address |
If the wireless M-Bus telegram is sent in a container on the wired M-Bus interface, the current CMeX50 secondary address will be included. If the wireless M-Bus telegram is not sent in a container, the current CMeX50 secondary address will not be included. |
Address |
The current CMeX50 secondary address will be included. |
Address, Time |
The current CMeX50 secondary address and the age of the received wireless M-Bus telegram will be included. |
Address, Time, RSSI |
The current CMeX50 secondary address, age and RSSI of the received wireless M-Bus telegram will be included. |
Table 309. CMeX50 info data description and coding
CMeX50 info |
Description |
Address |
DIF = 0x0C (8 digit BCD) VIF = 0x78 (Fabrication number) Data = 0xnnnnnnnn Where nnnnnnnn is the current secondary address in packed BCD of the CMeX50 product. |
Time |
DIF = 0x02 (16 bit integer) VIF = 0x75 (Actuality duration) Data = 0xnnnn Where nnnn is a 16 bit unsigned age in minutes of the received telegram. |
DIF = 0x01 (8 bit integer) VIF = 0xFD (RSSI) VIFE = 0x71 (RSSI) Data = 0xnn Where nn is the 8 bit signed RSSI calculated according to the following pattern: Resulting range: -128 ... -6dbm 0xnn in the range 1..62: 2 x 0xnn-130 = Actual RSSI 0xnn = 0 (No RSSI) 0xnn = 1 (-128dBm) 0xnn = 63 (> -6dBm) |
The enhanced addressing is useful when multiple CMeX50 are connected to the same wired M-Bus master and one or more wireless M-Bus slaves are installed in multiple CMeX50. When using enhanced addressing, it is possible to address a specific wireless M-Bus slave on a specific CMeX50. Without this possibility, using normal secondary addressing, would result in collisions between the CMeX50 containing the same wireless M-Bus slave.
The enhanced secondary addressing works as a normal secondary address select with included information about the CMeX50 secondary address.
The following figure shows a standard secondary address select telegram.
Secondary select telegram
The following figure shows an enhanced secondary address select telegram. The FAB field is the 4 byte BCD coded secondary address of the CMeX50 to select the slave from. The secondary address of the CMeX50 is default set to the fabrication number of the CMeX50.
Enhanced secondary select telegram
Perform a standard secondary search with Dev (Device type or medium) set to the CMeX50 device type (0x31). Fill Man (Manufacturer) and Gen (Generation) fields with wildcards.
After all CMeX50 devices found, perform an enhanced secondary address search on every CMeX50 found. Fill The FAB (Fabrication number) with the CMeX50 secondary address found in step 1.
Performing these steps will avoid possible collisions on the same wireless M-Bus slave which is installed on multiple CMeX50 products.
By using the age and RSSI information received, a filter of which slave to use on which CMeX50 can be obtained to optimize readout time.
Table 310. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x10 |
Start character |
1 |
0x40 |
C-Field = SND_NKE |
2 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
3 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
4 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Request user data from product or virtualized M-Bus slave and wait for slave response.
Table 312. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x10 |
Start character |
1 |
0x4b | 0x5b | 0x6b | 0x7b |
C-Field = REQ_UD2 |
2 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
3 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
4 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
The first telegram of the CMeX50 contains information and configuration of the product.
Values that are longer than one byte are always sent with least significant byte (LSByte) first. This also applies to text strings that are sent ”backwards”. The only exception is the encryption keys that are sent in the same order they are written and shown on the LCD-display.
Values formatted as ”packed BCD” are also sent with LSByte first, but MSNibble (bit 7..4) contains the most significant of the two numbers in each byte.
Unless otherwise indicated, all numerical values are without signs, i.e. positive (unsigned).
Table 313. Slave to master (CMeX50 product addressed) – Telegram 1
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 = L-field 1 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start 2 |
4 |
0x08 |
C-field = RSP-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = CMeX50 primary address |
6 |
0x72 |
CI-field = 12-byte header follows |
7-10 |
0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn |
ID-field = CMeX50 secondary address, packed BCD |
11-12 |
0x96 0x15 |
MFR-field = 0x1596 = ”ELV” |
13 |
0xnn |
VER-field, 0x01..0x09 |
14 |
0x31 |
DEV-field = 0x31 = ”OMS MUC” |
15 |
0xnn |
ACC-field, continuous counter 0.00..0xFF, 0x00.. |
16 |
0x00 |
STATUS-field, always 0x00 in this telegram |
17-18 |
0x00 0x00 |
SIGNATURE-field, always 0x0000 in this telegram |
19-24 |
0x0C 0x78 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn |
CMeX50 serial number, 8 digits packed BCD |
25-33 |
0x0D 0xFD 0x0F 0x05 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn |
CMeX50 program version, 5 digits ASCII-text. Example: 0x35 0x2E 0x36 0x2E 0x31 in transmit order ”1.6.5” which means MajorVersion=1, MinorVersion=6, PatchLevel=5 |
34-56 |
0x0D 0x7C 0x03 0x79 0x65 0x6B 0x10 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn |
Global AES128 key for decryption of telegram (0x79 0x65 0x6B = 'key' backwards) |
57-63 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6F 0x6D 0x77 0xnn |
0xnn = wireless M-Bus mode: 0x00 = S1 0x02 = T1 0x04 = T1 + C1a + C1b 0x06 = C1a 0x07 = C1b 0x08 = C1a + C1b 0x09 = T1 + C1a 0x0A = T1 +C1b 0x0B = C1a WIDE 0x0C = C1b WIDE 0x0D = C1a + C1b WIDE (0x6F 0x6D 0x77 = 'wmo' backwards, wireless mode) |
64-70 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x65 0x73 0x77 0x00 |
This data field is no longer used, but is still transmitted due to compatibility reasons (0x65 0x73 0x77 = 'wse' backwards, wireless sensitivity) |
71-78 |
0x02 0x7C 0x03 0x74 0x69 0x77 0xnn 0xnn |
Installation time, 0xnnnn minutes. Allowed area 0..9999 minutes. (0x74 0x69 0x77 = 'wit' backwards, wireless installation time) |
79-86 |
0x02 0x7C 0x03 0x73 0x69 0x77 0xnn 0xnn |
Continued installation time, 0xnnnn minutes. (0x73 0x69 0x77 = 'wis' backwards, continued installation time) |
87-93 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6D 0x69 0x77 0xnn |
0xnn = Wireless installation mode: 0x00 = Only SND-IR-telegram can install meters. 0x01 = All allowed telegram types can install meters. (0x6D 0x69 0x77 = 'wim', wireless installation mode) |
94-101 |
0x02 0x7C 0x03 0x65 0x67 0x61 0xnn 0xnn |
0xnnnn = Time limit for wireless telegram in minutes. Allowed interval is 0 .. 9999 minutes. A virtual M-Bus slave will stop answering on wired M-Bus if the latest stored telegram from the corresponding wireless slave is older than this value. (0x65 0x67 0x61 = 'age' backwards) |
102-111 |
0x04 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x69 0x77 0xnn 0xnn 0xgg 0xgg |
0xnnnn = Installation filter for manufacturer code: 0xFFFF = The filter is off. Meters from all manufacturers can be installed. Other values than 0xFFFF = only meters with the specific manufacturer code can be installed. 0xgggg = Installation filter for DEV (meter type): 0xFFFF = The filter is off. All meter types can be installed. 0x0000..0x00FF = Only the selected meter type can be installed (DEV = 0x00..0xFF). (0x66 0x69 0x77 = 'wif' backwards, wireless installation filter) |
112-118 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x69 0x63 0x77 0xnn |
0xnn = Setup for continuous installation mode: 0x00 = Only time limit installation 0x01 = Continuous mode is activated (0x69 0x63 0x77 = 'wci' backwards, wireless continuous installation) |
119-125 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6F 0x6D 0x74 0xnn |
0xnn = Packing method or telegram: 0x00 = Automatic, wireless telegrams are repacked to simulate virtual wired M-Bus slaves if possible. At decryption error, wireless telegrams without header, unknown CI-code, etc, the telegram will automatically be placed untouched in a data container. 0x01 = All wireless telegrams are placed in a data container. (0x6F 0x6D 0x74 = 'tmo' backwards, wire-mode (!)) |
126-132 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x64 0x74 0xnn |
0xnn = DIF/VIF-mode: 0x00 = Auto 0x01 = Serial number 0x02 = Serial number, age 0x03 = Serial number, age, RSSI (signal strength) (0x66 0x64 0x74 = 'tdf' backwards, !) |
133-139 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x64 0x63 0x6C 0xnn |
0xnn = LCD-contrast, offset from standard settings, 8-bits value with sign. Allowed area is -10 (brightest) to +10 (darkest). (0x64 0x63 0x6C = 'lcd' backwards) |
140-146 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6E 0x61 0x6C 0xnn |
0xnn = Code for language on the LCD menu: 0x00 = English 0x01 = Swedish 0x02 = German (0x6E 0x61 0x6C = 'lan' backwards) |
147-153 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x65 0x6C 0x73 0xnn |
0xnn = Time from latest tangent activity until CMeX50 goes to sleep mode. Allowed values are 0x00..0xFF (0..255) minutes. (0x65 0x6C 0x73 = 'sle' backwards, sleep) |
154-158 |
0x0A 0xFD 0x16 0xnn 0xnn |
0xnnnn = Password for login to LCD-menu, four digits, packed BCD. |
159-165 |
0x04 0xFD 0x0B 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn |
0xnnnnnnnn = Tag for user configuration, 32-bits binary. This value can be written to the CMeX50 to indicate a specific configuration ID. The value is reset when changes are made in the LCD menu. |
166-173 |
0x02 0x7C 0x03 0x61 0x66 0x77 0xnn 0xnn |
0xnnnn = Fine-tuning of the radio frequency, in steps of 38,147Hz. 16-bits value with sign. Example: 0x0000 = No adjustment 0x0069 = +105 that gives +105*38,147Hz = +4kHz 0xFF07 = -249 that gives -249*38,147Hz = -9,5kHz (0x61 0x66 0x77 = 'wfa' backwards, wireless frequency adjustment) |
174-180 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x69 0x61 0xnn |
0xnn = FIFO-mode for automatic installation: 0x00 = FIFO-mode off. Installation of new meters stops when the meter list is full (800 meters). 0x01 = FIFO-mode is on. If CMeX50 is in continuous installation mode and a telegram from a new meter is received when the meter list is full, the meter with the oldest telegram will be deleted, and the new meter will be installed. (0x66 0x69 0x61 = 'aif' backwards, autoinstall fifo) |
181-190 |
0x04 0x7C 0x03 0x63 0x72 0x72 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn |
0xnnnnnnnn = Number of times the radio has been rebooted, due to no accurate telegram has been received the last 30 minutes. 32-bits binary value. (0x63 0x72 0x72 = 'rrc' backwards, radio restart counter) |
191-197 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x61 0x74 0x73 0xnn |
0xnn = Setup for STATUS-byte in telegram from virtualized meters: 0x00 = STATUS is always 0x00 0x01 = STATUS copied from corresponding meters STATUS-byte, if that exists. (assumed that the wireless telegram has a short or long application header) otherwise it will be set to 0x00. (0x61 0x74 0x73 = 'sta' backwards, status) |
198-204 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6D 0x61 0x63 0xnn |
0xnn = Addressing settings for CMex50: 0x00 = Chosen primary address, secondary address and fixed primary address 251. 0x01 = Only the fixed primary address 251. (0x6D 0x61 0x63 = 'cam' backwards, collector access mode) |
205-211 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6D 0x61 0x6D 0xnn |
0xnn = Addressing settings for virtualized meters: 0x00 = Primary address, secondary address and enhanced secondary address (with CMeX50 fabrication number). 0x01 = Only enhanced secondary address (with CMeX50 ”fabrication number”). (0x6D 0x61 0x6D = 'mam' backwards(!), meter access mode) |
212-218 |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x63 0x69 0xnn |
0xnn = Action to take when receiving a telegram with CI = 0x79 or 0x69: 0x00 = Ignore telegram. 0x01 = Place telegram in a container. (0x66 0x63 0x69 = 'icf' backwards, ignore c… flag) |
219 |
0xnn |
0xnn = End sign for first telegram from CMeX50: 0x0F = Telegram is finished (no meters are installed) 0x1F = Telegram continues with meter information. Toggle FCB-bit to fetch the next telegram part. |
2nd and possible more telegrams, depending on number of connected wireless M-Bus slaves, contain information about the installed wireless M-Bus slaves.
Table 314. Slave to master (CMeX50 product addressed) – Telegram 2..n
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-Field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-Field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x08 |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Primary address of CMeX50 |
6 |
0x72 |
Variable data respond, mode 1 = LSByte first |
7-10 |
0xnnnnnnnn |
Secondary address of CMeX50 |
11-12 |
0x9615 |
Manufacturer id “ELV” |
13 |
0xnn |
Generation field In the range from 01 to 09. |
14 |
0x31 |
Device type / medium = OMS MUC |
15 |
0xnn |
Access number |
16 |
0xnn |
Status byte 0x00 = Ok (no error) |
17-18 |
0x0000 |
Signature, 16 bit binary |
19-58 |
Wireless M-Bus slave 1 |
59-98 |
Wireless M-Bus slave 2 |
99- |
Wireless M-Bus slave n |
- |
0x0F or 0x1F |
End of telegram More data available: 0x1F No more data available: 0x0F |
- |
0xnn |
Checksum |
- |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Wireless slave info description
Table 315. M-Bus slave information field description
Name |
Description |
Meter ID |
Wireless M-Bus meter identification |
Meter MFR |
Wireless M-Bus meter manufacturer code |
Meter VER |
Wireless M-Bus meter version (generation) |
Meter Dev |
Wireless M-Bus meter device type (medium) |
Meter Key |
AES128 encryption key used for this meter (if not CMeX50 global key is used) |
Meter RF mode |
Wireless M-Bus meter RF mode (S1, T1, C1) |
Meter PrimA |
Virtual primary address of this meter on CMeX50 wired M-Bus interface |
Meter lock flag |
Meter lock flag (valid for continuous installation FIFO mode only) 0x00 = Meter is not locked (meter may be replaced by another when meter list is full) 0x01 = Meter is locked (meter will not be erased even if the meter list is full) |
Tgm status |
Status of last received telegram from this meter: 0x00 = No telegram received yet 0x01 = Last telegram was unencrypted 0x02 = Last telegram had an unknown CI field 0x03 = Last telegram was unmodified and put in container 0x04 = Decryption of last telegram failed 0x05 = Last telegram was successfully decrypted |
Tgm age |
Age of last received telegram from this meter in minutes |
Tgm RSSI |
RSSI of last received telegram from this meter |
Wired mode |
Wired M-Bus mode setting for this meter: 0x00 = Auto (put in container only if necessary, for example if CI is unknown etc.) 0x01 = Always put telegram in container |
Dummy |
Always 0xFF |
R-A ID |
Radio adapter ID (ignore if meter address = radio address) |
Radio adapter manufacturer code (ignore if meter address = radio address) |
Radio adapter version (generation) (ignore if meter address = radio address) |
Radio adapter device type (medium) (ignore if meter address = radio address) |
Table 316. Virtualized M-Bus slave data with no encapsulation in a container
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-Field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-Field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x08 |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Primary address of virtualized M-Bus slave |
6 |
0x72 |
Variable data respond, mode 1 = LSByte first |
7-10 |
0xnnnnnnnn |
Secondary address of virtualized M-Bus slave |
11-12 |
0xnnnn |
Manufacturer id of virtualized M-Bus slave |
13 |
0xnn |
Generation field of virtualized M-Bus slave |
14 |
0xnn |
Device type / medium of virtualized M-Bus slave |
15 |
0xnn |
Access number of virtualized M-Bus slave |
16 |
0xnn |
Status byte of virtualized M-Bus slave 0x00 = Ok (no error) |
17-18 |
0x0000 |
Signature, 16 bit binary |
Optional CMeX50 information depending DIF/VIF mode |
19..N |
Wireless M-Bus slave payload data |
N+1 |
0x0F or 0x1F |
End of telegram More data available: 0x1F No more data available: 0x0F |
N+2 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
N+3 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 317. Virtualized M-Bus slave data with encapsulation in a container
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-Field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-Field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x08 |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Primary address of virtualized M-Bus slave |
6 |
0x72 |
Variable data respond, mode 1 = LSByte first |
7-10 |
0xnnnnnnnn |
Secondary address of virtualized M-Bus slave |
11-12 |
0xnnnn |
Manufacturer id of virtualized M-Bus slave |
13 |
0xnn |
Generation field of virtualized M-Bus slave |
14 |
0xnn |
Device type / medium of virtualized M-Bus slave |
15 |
0xnn |
Access number of virtualized M-Bus slave |
16 |
0xnn |
Status byte of virtualized M-Bus slave 0x00 = Ok (no error) |
17-18 |
0x0000 |
Signature, 16 bit binary |
Optional CMeX50 information depending DIF/VIF mode |
19 |
0x0d |
DIF Variable data length |
20 |
0xfd |
VIF Extension table FD |
21 |
0x3b |
VIFE Wireless M-Bus container |
22 |
0xnn |
Length of container |
23..N |
Wireless M-Bus slave complete telegram. Starting with L-Field. CRC fields are left out. |
N+1 |
0x0F or 0x1F |
End of telegram More data available: 0x1F No more data available: 0x0F |
N+2 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
N+3 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 318. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = primary address, e.g. 0xFB = 251 |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-field = Master to slave data transmission |
7-13 (14) |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x61 0x74 0x73 0xnn OR 0x01 0xFC 0x03 0x61 0x74 0x73 0x00 0xnn |
0xnn = setting for STATUS byte in telegram from virtualized meters: 0x00 = STATUS is always 0x00 0x01 = STATUS is copied from the corresponding wireless meter’s STATUS byte if available (assuming that the wireless telegram has long or short application header) otherwise it is set to 0x00 (0x61 0x74 0x73 = 'sta' backwards) |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 320. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = primary address, e.g. 0xFB = 251 |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-field = Master to slave data transmission |
7-13 (14) |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6D 0x61 0x63 0xnn OR 0x01 0xFC 0x03 0x6D 0x61 0x63 0x00 0xnn |
0xnn = Addressing mode for CMeX50: 0x00 = Chosen primary address, secondary address and fixed primary address 251. 0x01 = Only the fixed primary address 251. (0x6D 0x61 0x63 = 'cam' backwards) |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 322. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = primary address, e.g. 0xFB = 251 |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-field = Master to slave data transmission |
7-13 (14) |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x6D 0x61 0x6D 0xnn OR 0x01 0xFC 0x03 0x6D 0x61 0x6D 0x00 0xnn |
0xnn = Addressing mode for virtualized meters: 0x00 = Primary address, secondary address and enhanced secondary address (with CMeX50 fabrication number). 0x01 = Only enhanced secondary address (with CMeX50 fabrication number). (0x6D 0x61 0x6D = 'mam') |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 324. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = primary address, e.g. 0xFB = 251 |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-field = Master to slave data transmission |
7-13 (14) |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x69 0x61 0xnn OR 0x01 0xFC 0x03 0x66 0x69 0x61 0x00 0xnn |
0xnn = FIFO-mode for automatic installation: 0x00 = FIFO-mode off. Installation of new meters stops when the meter list gets full (800 meters). 0x01 = FIFO-mode is on. If CMeX50 is in continuous installation mode and a telegram from a new meter is received when the meter list is full, the meter with the oldest stored telegram will be erased from the meter list and the new meter will be installed in its place. (0x66 0x69 0x61 = 'aif' backwards) |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 326. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = primary address, e.g. 0xFB = 251 |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-field = Master to slave data transmission |
7-16 (17) |
0x04 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x69 0x77 0xnn 0xnn 0xgg 0xgg OR 0x04 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x69 0x77 0x00 0xnn 0xnn 0xgg 0xgg |
0xnnnn = Installation filter for manufacturer code: 0xFFFF = The filter is closed. Meters from all manufacturers can be installed. Other value than 0xFFFF = Only meters with the specified manufacturer code can be installed. 0xgggg = Installation filter for DEV (meter type): 0xFFFF = The filter is closed. All meter types can be installed. 0x0000..0x00FF = Only specified meter type can be installed (DEV = 0x00..0xFF). (0x66 0x69 0x77 = 'wif' backwards, wireless installation filter) |
17 (18) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
18 (19) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 328. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = primary address, e.g. 0xFB = 251 |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-field = Master to slave data transmission |
7-13 (14) |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x69 0x63 0x77 0x01 OR 0x01 0xFC 0x03 0x69 0x63 0x77 0x00 0x01 |
Continuous installation is started. The installation can be stopped with the command ”Start/stop installation mode”. (0x69 0x63 0x77 = 'wci' backwards) |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Table 330. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-field = primary address, e.g. 0xFB = 251 |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-field = Master to slave data transmission |
7-13 (14) |
0x01 0x7C 0x03 0x66 0x63 0x69 0xnn OR 0x01 0xFC 0x03 0x66 0x63 0x69 0x00 0x01 |
0xnn = action upon receiving telegrams with CI = 0x79 or 0x69: 0x00 = Ignore the telegram. 0x01 = Place the telegram in a data container. (0x66 0x63 0x69 = 'icf' backwards) |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Set baud rate of slave.
This command only changes the local baud rate if the CMeX50 product is addressed.
Table 332. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0x03 |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0x03 |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0xnn |
CI-Field = Baud rate selection code: 0xb8 = 300 baud 0xb9 = 600 baud 0xbA = 1200 baud 0xbb = 2400 baud 0xbc = 4800 baud (note 1) 0xbd = 9600 baud (note 1) 0xbe = no change (note 2) 0xbf = no change (note 2) Baud rates > 2400 baud do work but have not been tested to comply with the timing specifications in the M-Bus standard. Baud rate codes 0xbe and 0xbf are ACKed with 0xe5 although they do not change the baud rate (this is in accordance with the M-Bus specification). |
7 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
8 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Sending application reset address to the CMeX50 product will reset the product to factory default settings.
Application reset sent to any virtualized M-Bus slave will only be acknowledged with no action taken.
Table 334. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0x04 |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0x04 |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x50 |
CI-Field = Application reset |
7 |
0xb0 |
Application reset sub-code |
8 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
9 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Change M-Bus primary address of the CMeX50 product or any virtualized M-Bus slave.
Table 336. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0x06 |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0x06 |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field |
7 |
0x01 |
Primary address DIF |
8 |
0x7A |
Primary address VIF |
9 |
0xnn |
New primary address (0x00-0xfa) |
10 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
11 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
This command only changes the secondary address of the CMeX50 if the CMeX50 product is addressed.
Setting secondary address on any virtualized M-Bus slave will only be acknowledged with no action taken.
Table 338. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0x09 |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0x09 |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field |
7 |
0x0c |
Secondary address DIF |
8 |
0x79 |
Secondary address VIF |
9-12 |
0xnnnnnnnn |
New secondary address, 8-bit packed BCD |
13 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
14 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Select slave for further secondary addressing. After successful selection, the slave can be addressed using primary address 253.
Table 340. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 Variable depending on selection mask. The selection mask can have any size in the range 0..8 bytes except 5 (manufacturer id requires a full 16-bit mask). |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 Variable depending on selection mask. |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x52 |
CI-Field = Slave selection The slave will be deselected if there is any mismatch. |
7-10 |
0xnnnnnnnn |
Optional M-Bus secondary address mask, packed BCD The M-Bus ID mask can use the nibble 0xf as a wildcard in any of the eight BCD digit positions. |
11-12 |
0xnnnn |
Optional M-Bus manufacturer id mask, 16-bit binary The M-Bus manufacturer id mask can use 0xff as wildcard for one or both bytes. |
13 |
0xnn |
Optional M-Bus generation mask, 8-bit binary The M-Bus generation mask can use 0xff as wildcard. |
14 |
0xnn |
Optional M-Bus medium mask, 8-bit binary The M-Bus meter medium mask will match if 0x00 ("unknown") or 0xff (wildcard). |
15 |
0x0c |
Optional DIF 8 digit packet BCD |
16 |
0x78 |
Optional VIF Fabrication number |
17-20 |
0xnnnnnnnn |
Optional CMeX50 M-Bus secondary address mask, packed BCD |
21 |
0xnn |
Checksum |
22 |
0x16 |
Stop character |
The global AES128 key is useful when more than one wireless M-Bus slave has identical AES128 key. Set the wireless M-Bus slave Decryption mode to Global when the global AES128 key should be used.
Table 342. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-35 (36) |
0x0D7C0379656B10[KEY] OR 0x0DFC0379656B1000[KEY] |
Write global AES128 key [KEY] = 16 bytes global AES128 key |
35 (36) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
36 (37) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
The wireless M-Bus mode is used to set which wireless M-Bus slaves the product will handle; C1, T1, S1 a combination.
Table 344. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-13 (14) |
0x017C036f6d77nn OR 0x01FC036f6d7700nn |
Write wireless M-Bus mode nn = 8 bit unsigned wireless M-Bus mode. Valid values: 0x00 or 0x01 = S1 (both values are equivalent) 0x02 or 0x03 = T1 (both values are equivalent) 0x04 or 0x05 = T1 + C1a + C1b 0x06 = C1a 0x07 = C1b 0x08 = C1a + C1b 0x09 = T1 + C1a 0x0A = T1 + C1b 0x0B = C1a WIDE 0x0C = C1b WIDE 0x0D = C1a + C1b WIDE |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
The installation time is the time the product will be in installation mode after an installation is started.
Table 346. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-14 (15) |
0x027C03746977nnnn OR 0x02FC0374697700nnnn |
Write wireless installation time nnnn = 16-bit unsigned installation time in minutes Valid interval: 0..9999 |
15 (16) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
16 (17) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
This command is used to start or stop an installation window.
Table 348. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-14 (15) |
0x027C03746977nnnn OR 0x02FC0374697700nnnn |
Start/stop installation window nnnn = 16 bit unsigned installation time in minutes. Valid range: 0..9999 Setting nnnn to zero will stop current installation. |
15 (16) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
16 (17) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
The wireless installation mode is used to filter which wireless M-Bus telegrams are accepted to install a new wireless M-Bus slave in the product.
Table 350. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-13 (14) |
0x017C036D6977nn OR 0x01FC036D697700nn |
Write wireless installation mode nn = 8 bit unsigned installation mode Valid values: 0 = Only SND-IR telegrams are valid for installation of wireless M-Bus slaves 1 = SND-NR, SND-IR are valid for installation of wireless M-Bus slaves |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
The wireless age limit is used to mark wireless M-Bus slave telegrams as old, resulting in that the virtualized wired M-Bus slave will stop responding when telegrams are outside the wireless age limit. This is useful to indicate that the connection with the wireless M-Bus slave is not working properly.
Table 352. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-14 (15) |
0x027C03656761nnnn OR 0x02FC0365676100nnnn |
Write wireless age limit nnnn = 16 bit unsigned wireless age limit in minutes Valid rage: 0..9999 minutes |
15 (16) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
16 (17) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Set how wired M-Bus interface will transport information to requesting M-Bus master; Auto or in Container mode. The Auto mode will try to transport the data to requesting M-Bus master as unmanaged data received from the wireless M-Bus slave. The Container mode will encapsulate the complete wireless M-Bus telegram in a container. The Container mode can be useful if key handling (decryption of telegrams), should be handled centralized and not within the CMeX50.
Table 354. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-13 (14) |
0x017C036f6d74nn OR 0x01FC036f6d74nn |
Write wired M-Bus mode nn = 8 bit unsigned wired M-Bus mode Valid values: 0 = Auto 1 = Container |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Wired DIF/VIF mode is used to configure optional data added by the CMeX50 on the wired M-Bus interface. The information from the CMeX50 can be address information, age of telegram and RSSI (signal strength) information.
Table 356. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-13 (14) |
0x017C03666474nn OR 0x01FC0366647400nn |
Write wired M-Bus DIF/VIF mode nn = 8 bit unsigned wired M-Bus DIF/VIF mode Valid values: 0 = Auto 1 = Fabrication number 2 = Fabrication number, age 3 = Fabrication number, age, RSSI |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Set the display LCD contrast on the product.
Table 358. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-13 (14) |
0x017C0364636Cnn OR 0x01FC0364636C00nn |
Write LCD contrast nn = 8 bit signed LCD contrast offset. Valid range: -10 (brightest) .. +10 (darkest) |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Set the LCD display language.
Table 360. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-13 (14) |
0x017C036E616Cnn OR 0x01FC036E616Cnn |
Write language nn = 8 bit unsigned language Valid values: 0 = English 1 = Swedish 2 = German |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Set the time before the product enters sleep mode when no user interaction has been taken place in the LCD menu. The user needs to enter the 4 digit password in the LCD menu to be able to continue configuration of the product.
Table 362. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-14 (15) |
0x017C03656C73nn OR 0x01FC036E616Cnn |
Write sleep mode time nn = 8 bit unsigned sleep mode in minutes. Valid range: 0..255 |
15 (16) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
16 (17) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Set the LCD menu password which needs to be entered to access the LCD menu. The default password is 0000.
Table 364. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-14 (15) |
0x0AFD16nnnn OR 0x0AFD1600nnnn |
Write LCD menu password nnnn = 4 digit packed BCD password |
15 (16) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
16 (17) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Delete one or all installed meters from the product.
Table 366. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-15 (16) |
0x0DFC08[ADDR]09 |
Delete one or all meters from the product. [ADDR] = 8 byte wireless M-Bus address Valid values: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = Delete all OR The corresponding 8-byte wireless M-Bus address of the meter to delete: ID 4 bytes Man 2 bytes Gen 1 byte Dev 1 byte |
16 (17) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
17 (18) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
Add or update an existing meter in the product meter list.
Meter and R-A fields
The following additions apply when adding/updating a meter:
Set meter PrimA = 0xFF to avoid updating it.
Set all 16 bytes of meter key to 0xFF to avoid updating it.
Meter lock flag:
0x00 = Meter is not locked in meter list.
0x01 = Meter is locked (erase protected in continuous installation FIFO mode)
0xFF = Avoid updating meter lock flag (keep current settings)
Set all R-A fields (8 bytes) to 0xFF if no separate radio adapter is used.
Table 368. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-46 (47) |
Add or update meter |
47 (48) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
48 (49) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
SND-UD with the following M-Bus record:
0x0DDIF ”variable length”
0xFCVIF ”plain text VIF” + extension bit for object action code
0x08length of plain text VIF (actual VIF is meter address)
0xnnmeter address ID lsByte
0xnnmeter address ID
0xnnmeter address ID
0xnnmeter address ID msByte
0xnnmeter address MANUFACTURER lsByte
0xnnmeter address MANUFACTURER msByte
0xnnmeter address VERSION
0xnnmeter address DEVICE TYPE
0x03/0x06object action code, 0x03 = set flag, 0x06 = clear flag
Individual flags are written by supplying the corresponding meter address.
The flags of all installed meters can be written (set or cleared) with a single command by setting all eight meter address bytes to 0xFF.
This command is useful only for changing lock flags of meters that are already installed in the meter list since a meter's lock flag will always be cleared as default at the moment of installation.
The configuration tag can be used to indicate if changes have been made in the LCD menu after any configuration has been made using the wired M-Bus interface.
Table 370. Master to slave
Byte index |
Data |
Description |
0 |
0x68 |
Start character 1 |
1 |
0xnn |
L-field 1 |
2 |
0xnn |
L-field 2 |
3 |
0x68 |
Start character 2 |
4 |
0x43 | 0x53 | 0x63 | 0x73 |
C-field = SND-UD |
5 |
0xnn |
A-Field = Address of slave |
6 |
0x51 |
CI-Field = Master to slave data send |
7-13 (14) |
0x04FD0Bnnnnnnnn OR 0x04FD0B00nnnnnnnn |
Write configuration tag nnnnnnnn = 32 bit unsigned tag Valid range: 0x00 .. 0xFFFFFFFF |
14 (15) |
0xnn |
Checksum |
15 (16) |
0x16 |
Stop character |
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