
Navigating the LCD display menu

The Up/Down keys are used to select menu. The OK key is used to select the current menu choice. ESC key cancels current choice or return to previous menu. ? key shows help information for current menu page. Right/Left keys are used to move cursor in an editor or to access the bottom menu (when available).

Home menu page is the top level of the menu system. Pressing ESC key in this menu forces the product to enter sleep mode.

Meters menu page

In the meters menu (on the Home screen, select 2. Meters), installed meters can be viewed and removed.


Meters menu page overview


Meters menu navigation overview

Sorting meters

  1. Access the bottom menu with the Right/Left keys.

    The selected option is highlighted.

  2. When Sort is selected, press OK key to shift between:

    • Sort by Id

    • Sort by Age

    • Sort by Status


Sort meters

Editing meter

  1. Press the Up/Downkeys to move the cursor to the meter you want to edit.

  2. Access the bottom menu with the Right/Left keys.

    The selected option is highlighted.

  3. When Edit is selected, press OK key to enter the meter edit menu page.


Edit meter

Editing meter primary address

  1. Enter the meter edit menu page.

  2. Use Up/Down keys to scroll through the menu and press OK key when 1. Primary address is selected.

    The primary address is used on the wired M-Bus interfaces to access the M-Bus meter using primary addressing. A valid primary address is between 0 and 250.

  3. Change the primary address of the meter using Up/Down keys and move the cursor using Right/Left keys.

  4. Press OK to accept the changes, or press ESC to cancel.

Editing meter encryption key

  1. Enter the meter edit menu page.

  2. Use Up/Down keys to scroll through the menu and press OK key when 2. Encryption key is selected.

    When an encrypted telegram is received, the CMeX50 will check if there is any installed key for this meter. If not, the CMeX50 will try the default key. If the encryption fails, the telegram will be placed in a container and be sent encrypted. It can be decrypted later in the process. This kind of container telegram is normally not readable by a standard M-Bus readout software.

    If the key fits (either the unique meter key or the default key) the telegram will be decrypted and sent unencrypted.

    The encryption key can be obtained from the manufacturer of the wireless M-Bus meter.

  3. Change the encryption key of the meter using Up/Down keys and move the cursor using Right/Left keys.

  4. Press OK to accept the changes, or press ESC to cancel.

Meter information page

The meter information page is accessed by pressing the OK key on a selected meter. The meter information page gives a good overview of the meter and also if the meter could be readout using a standard M-Bus software on the wired M-Bus interfaces.

See the following table for a complete description of the information shown on the information page.

Table 304. Meter information page fields



Possible values


Identification of the meter




M-Bus Three letter manufacturer code according to the Flag Association, see https://www.dlms.com/flag-id/.


Device type

M-Bus Device type according to the M-Bus standard document prEN_13757-3_2011.



M-Bus version field, 0-255


Wireless mode



Signal strength in dBm

-55 dBm to -107 dBm


Time since last received telegram in minutes

0-9999 minutes


Encryption mode


AES_COUNTER = AES counter mode

DES_CBC_0 = DES CBC vector 0

DES_CBC_N0 = DES CBC vector not 0

AES_CBC_0 = AES CBC vector 0

AES_CBC_N0 = AES CBC vector not 0

Reserved = All others


Status of the last received telegram.

Unknown = No telegram received

Unencrypted = Telegram is unencrypted

Unknown CI = The CI-field received is unknown for the product

Encrypted = Telegram is encrypted

Decrypt error = Encryption method and key is set for the meter, but the telegram could not be decrypted

Decrypted = Encryption method and key is set for the meter and the telegram decrypted successfully


Wired status of the telegram. This field gives information if the information from the meter is available for readout on the M-Bus wired interface.

Auto = Telegram is readable on the wired interface using any standard M-Bus readout software.

Container = Meter data is encrypted and encryption mode and/or key is not set or wrong key set. The meter data can be read on the wired M-Bus interface, but is encapsulated in an M-Bus data container message according to EN_13757- 3_2011.

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