The product is mounted on a DIN-rail. The clip on the bottom is used to attach and detach the product from the DIN-rail. For safety reasons, a DIN-rail enclosure must cover all terminals.
The product handles 32 slaves. Overloading the bus will show an error message on the display and turn off the M-Bus bus.
All connected M-Bus slave devices must have unique primary or secondary M-Bus addresses depending on addressing mode used.
M-Bus is a multi-drop 2-wire bus, with no polarity.
Use a cable with an area of 0.25-1.5 mm2, e.g. a standard telephone cable (EKKX 2x2x0.25).
Connect the wiring to the screw connector.
The product is equipped with four different M-Bus slave ports (IR interface left, RS232, USB, and M-Bus slave interface) to enable wide integration. These ports can be used to:
Read the connected wireless M-Bus slaves as normal M-Bus slaves
Read the connected wired M-Bus slaves (transparent)
Slaves can be read using primary and/or secondary addressing. The CMeX50 itself is available as an M-Bus slave with the secondary address equal to the serial number.
The IR interface is used as a standard transparent M-Bus interface over IR. This port can be used together with M-Bus Metering Gateway products from Elvaco, i.e. CMe2100 and CMe3000. In this way, it is possible to extend the product with TCP/IP and GPRS communication.
The RS232 interface is used as a standard transparent M-Bus interface over RS232.
The USB interface is used as a standard transparent M-Bus interface over USB.
Use the included USB cable and connect to any standard USB master port.
When using Microsoft Windows® operating systems, a virtual comport will automatically be generated when connecting the product to the computer.
Additional USB drivers can be downloaded from the Elvaco web site:
The M-Bus 2-wire interface acts like any other M-Bus slave device on the 2-wire bus. The nominal current is 1T (1.5mA). This interface can be directly used with any standard M-Bus master device.
By using the IR interface, CMe2100 can communicate with Elvaco M-Bus Masters and Wireless M-Bus Receivers (CMeX Series) as well as ABB electricity meters without using any cables. Mount the CMe2100 next to the other device, with the IR interfaces of the two products facing each other. Before attempting to use the IR interface, make sure to remove the IR shield.
Connect the antenna to the SMA connector.
Depending on signal strength and environment, a different antenna with extension cable can be used.
The product can handle any type of wireless M-Bus slave following the wireless M-Bus standard or the OMS specification. The product can operate in single or combined modes; T1, C1, T1&C1, and S1.
The CMeX50 handles AES encryption of meters with individual key or a global key. If no key for an encrypted meter is installed, the product will on the M-Bus slave ports respond with a container mode MBus telegram with encrypted wireless M-Bus telegram. CMeX50 supports encryption modes 5 and 7 in compliance with the OMS standard.
The installation must be performed by a qualified electrician or another professional with the required knowledge.
Connect main supply to screw terminal for power supply N and power supply L. Main supply voltage should be in the range of 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Connect the power to a clearly marked and easily accessible switch to make sure the product can be switched off during service work.
If ground signal is available, connect to screw terminal for ground.
Installed wireless M-Bus slaves will be readable on any of the wired M-Bus slave ports on completion. This section does not cover wireless M-Bus slaves which run in encrypted mode.
Use Up/Down keys to scroll through the options.
Power up the product.
The sleep mode screen is shown.
Press any key to exit sleep mode.
Enter the default password 0000 and press OK key.
Use Up/Down keys to scroll through the menu and press OK key when 1. Installation is selected.
Select Manufacturer (Mfr) or Meter (Dev). If left blank (---), all meters will be installed. Press OK key to proceed.
Use Up/Down keys to scroll through the menu and press OK key on chosen installation.
Start, keep - Keep already installed meters and stay in installation mode for 60 min, (or chosen time).
Start, clear all – Clear all installed meters.
Start, cont. – Keep already installed meters and stay in installation mode (until it is manually turned off).
The product listens for all wireless M-Bus slaves in range which operates in wireless M-Bus mode C1 and T1.
The installation will by default proceed for 60 minutes, but can be stopped at any time by pressing the ESC key.
The installed wireless M-Bus slaves can be read on any M-Bus slave port using primary or secondary addressing on 2400 baud.
Installation progress page shows current installation procedure status. Meters are grouped by manufacturer or medium. Press Left/Right keys to switch between group by manufacturer and group by medium. Press OK key on any selected group (medium or manufacturer), to show all meters matching selected criteria.
See the following image for an overview of the informational parts of the installation procedure menu page.
Group by manufacturer
See the following image for a schematic overview of the navigation when the installation procedure is running.
Navigation overview
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