The basic operations provide instructions on how to getting started with the most basic functionality and configurations of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. After executing each step described, the product will be performing scheduled meter readouts and deliver customized Push Reports with meter values. Please read through each section carefully.
On successful connection of power, the CMe2100 will be ready to use after undergoing a booting session of approximately 30 seconds to one minute.
Before the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 can be able to read meters, meters will have to be installed. As part of the installation process, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will synchronize its time with a public time server. The product is set to use the NTP server se.pool.ntp.org for time synchronization as a default option.
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 supports three different ways of addressing meters on the M-Bus: primary addressing, secondary addressing, and enhanced secondary addressing. A description of each mode is provided in the following table.
Addressing mode |
Explanation |
Primary addressing |
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 uses the primary address of the meter, set by the end-user when addressing meters on the M-Bus. NoteOnly applicable for wired M-Bus. |
Secondary addressing |
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 uses the secondary address of the meter, set by the manufacturer when addressing meters on the M-Bus. The secondary addressing mode will be used by default and is the recommended option since it will ensure that each meter is addressed uniquely. NoteOnly applicable for wired M-Bus. |
Enhanced secondary addressing |
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 combines the enhanced address of a Wireless M-Bus Receiver and the secondary address of a meter when addressing meters on the M-Bus. NoteOnly applicable for wireless M-Bus. |
After the installation has been completed, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will automatically read all installed meters once every hour and deliver a Push Report to all default e-mail recipients at 00:00 every day. For information on configuring these default settings, see Schedule meter readouts and Configuring common Push Report settings.
To install Wired M-Bus meters:
Send the following command to the product.
install [expected numbers of meters]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the installation has started.
When the installation has finished, the product will send an additional SMS, informing about the number of meters that were installed and their addresses. The installation may take up to 20 minutes to complete, depending on the number of meters.
As part of the installation process, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will synchronize the time with a public time server.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
expected number of meters |
This variable is optional to include. It sets the number of meters the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 should expect to find in the installation process. Including this variable might speed up the installation, by informing the product when all meters have been found and the search for more meters should end. |
Arbitrary integer |
CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 communicates with Wireless M-Bus meters through one or several Wireless M-Bus Receivers by using an enhanced secondary address. The enhanced secondary address comprises a combination of the meter's secondary address and the M-Bus Receiver's enhanced address, thereby defining the complete communication chain.
To install Wireless M-Bus meters, the addressing mode needs to be set to esecondary. Besides that, the installation is identical to Wired M-Bus meters.
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will automatically use the Wireless M-Bus Receiver that has established the best connection with each specific meter.
To install Wireless M-Bus meters:
Send the following command to the product to set its addressing mode to enhanced secondary.
set common.device.mbus.searchmode=esecondary
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the addressing mode has been set.
Send the following command to the product to start the installation.
install [expected number of meters
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the installation has started.
When the installation has finished, the product will send an additional SMS, informing about the number of meters installed and their addresses. The installation may take up to 20 minutes to complete.
As part of the installation, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will synchronize the time with a public time server.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
expected number of meters |
This variable is optional to include. It sets the number of meters the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 should expect to find in the installation process. Including this variable might speed up the installation, by letting the product know when all meters have been found and the search for more meters should end. |
Arbitrary integer |
A meter installation can be performed by running a Settings Command FIle. The CMe2100/CMi2110/ CMe2130 will then connect to Elvaco’s server, download a CAD file, and synchronize its settings with it. In this way, a customized installation, including what settings to use and which meters to install, can easily be configured. Contact Elvaco AB.
To perform an installation using a Settings Command File:
Send the following command to the product.
install [expected number of meters] [cad file]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the installation has started.
When the installation has finished, the product will send an additional SMS, informing about the number of meters installed and their addresses. The installation may take up to 20 minutes to complete.
As part of the meter installation, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will synchronize the time with a public time server.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
expected number of meters |
The maximum number of meters the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 should expect to find in the installation process. This field needs to be included when performing an installation using a Settings Command File. |
Arbitrary integer |
cad file |
The name of the Settings Command File that the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will download and synchronize with. |
Name of a valid CAD file |
After the meter installation has been completed, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will by default read all meters once every hour. This default option can be configured by setting a new meter readout schedule.
A meter readout schedule can be selected from the following table or an arbitrary set using cron patterns. To learn more about cron patterns, see Configuring service and job schedules using cron patterns.
Time interval |
Explanation |
5-min |
A meter readout is performed every 5th minute. |
15-min |
A meter readout is performed every 15 minutes. |
1-hour |
A meter readout is performed every hour. |
12-hour |
A meter readout is performed every 12th hour. |
1-day |
A meter readout is performed every day at 00:00. |
1-week |
A meter readout is performed every Monday at 00:00. |
1-month |
A meter readout is performed on the first day of every month at 00:00. |
Send the command to the product.
sch storevalue [time interval]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the readout schedule has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
time interval |
The schedule by which the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will perform meter readouts. |
5min, 15min, 1hour, 12hours, 1day, 1week, 1month |
Push reports deliver data from meter readouts to selected recipients by a chosen time schedule and report template. Push reports can be delivered by e-mail, SMS, uploaded as a downloadable file on an FTP server, or to a server running an HTTP web service. The first step is to set the default recipient option for each of the alternatives that will be used. A complete list of the configurable settings for each type of recipient can be found in Configurable settings.
Send the following command to the product.
qset -[recipient] [e-mail server] [username] [password]
Additional e-mail recipients can be added anytime by using the following command:
qset email + [recipient]
By using the following commands copies and hidden copies can be added for a Push Report respectively:
set common.email.cc=[recipient]
set common.email.bcc=[recipient]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the e-mail default settings have been configured.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
recipient |
The e-mail addresses of all intended default recipients of Push Reports are separated by a comma. |
List of valid e-mail addresses. |
e-mail server |
The SMTP (e-mail) server used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to deliver e-mail Push Reports. Elvaco provides an SMTP server, which is free to use, and set by default for all CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 products. This field is therefore optional to include. |
Valid SMTP (e-mail) server |
username |
The username is used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to access the SMTP server. |
Text |
password |
The password used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to access the SMTP server. |
Text |
Send the following command to the product.
qset ftp [ftp server][port] [username] [password] [remotedir]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the FTP default settings have been configured.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
ftp server |
The FTP server where FTP Push Reports will be uploaded. Contact your IT administrator for more information about what FTP server your company is using. |
Valid FTP server. |
port |
FTP server port number. |
Valid port number |
username |
The username is used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to access the FTP server. |
Arbitrary text |
password |
The password used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to access the FTP server. |
Arbitrary text |
remotedir |
The directory where FTP Push Reports will be uploaded. |
Valid directory on the FTP server. |
Send the following command to the product.
qset http [server url] [username] [password] [authmode]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the HTTP default settings have been configured.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
server url |
The URL of the HTTP server where HTTP Push Reports will be uploaded. Contact your IT administrator for more information about what HTTP server your company is using. |
URL of valid HTTP server. |
username |
The username is used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to access the HTTP server. |
Arbitrary text |
password |
The password is used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to access the HTTP server. |
Arbitrary text |
authmode |
The authentication mode is used when connecting to the HTTP server. |
none, basic |
Send the following command to the product.
set common.sms.to [phone numbers]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the list of phone numbers has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
phone numbers |
A list of phone numbers, separated by a comma, will be the default recipients of SMS Push Reports. |
A list of valid phone numbers. |
CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 supports two types of reports, Push reports and Event reports. The difference between the two is explained in the following table. The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 supports four different report delivery protocols: HTTP, FTP, e-mail, and SMS. Each delivery protocol has several predefined Report Templates available, which will determine how the report will be delivered. For example, by selecting an e-mail report template, the corresponding report will be delivered by e-mail.
Report template numbers always start with 1 for e-mail, 2 for FTP, and 3 for HTTP. For example, selecting the e-mail report template 1101 (2101 for FTP, 3101 for HTTP) will structure all meter values in one single post while template, 1112 (2112 for FTP, 3112 for HTTP) will deliver the meter values in an Excel file. All FTP, HTTP, e-mail, and SMS Report Templates are listed in the Report Templates.
To learn more about the different Report Templates, please visit http://www.elvaco.com and go to Downloads.
Table 3. Types of reports
Type of report |
Explanation |
Push report |
Push reports deliver meter values by a selected report template and time schedule. |
Event report |
Event reports are triggered by a certain event taking place in the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. A schedule can therefore not be set for this type of report. |
There are five different Push Reports available, report1 - report5. Each one is easily enabled and disabled using the set command. A Push Report schedule is set using the predefined time interval values from Table 4, “Push report schedule options” or by using cron patterns. To learn more about cron patterns see Configuring service and job schedules using cron patterns.
Recipient information added for individual Push Report will override default recipient settings. For example, setting an e-mail recipient for report1 will be used instead of the default e-mail recipient option.
Table 4. Push report schedule options
Time interval |
Explanation |
1min |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last minute, is sent once every minute. |
5min |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last five minutes, is sent once every 5th minute. |
10min |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last ten minutes, is sent once every 10th minute. |
15min |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last 15 minutes, is sent once every 15th minute. |
20min |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last 20 minutes, is sent once every 20th minute. |
30min |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last 30 minutes, is sent once every 30th minute. |
1hour |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last hour, is sent once every hour. |
12hour |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last 12 hours, is sent once every 12th hour. |
1day |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last day, is sent at 00:00 each day. |
1week |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last week, is sent every Monday at 00:00. |
1month |
A Push Report, containing all stored values from the last month, is sent on the first day of each month at 00:00. |
To schedule a Push Report:
Send the following command to the product to have the Push Report delivered to the default recipients, according to the set schedule and template.
sch [report] [schedule] [template]
By extending the following command, the default recipients will be overridden by the new recipient information added for the specific Push Report.
sch [report] [schedule] [template] [type of recipient]= [recipient]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the Push Report schedule has been set.
Table 5. Scheduling Push Reports
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
report |
The report is to be configured. There are five different Push Reports available. |
report1, report2, report3, report4, report5 |
schedule |
The schedule by which the Push Report will be delivered. |
A selected value from Table 4, “Push report schedule options” |
template |
The number of a report template. The selected template will determine to what type of recipients the Push Report will be delivered. For example, setting the template to 1101 (e-mail template) will deliver the Push Report to e-mail recipients only. All Report Templates are available on the Elvaco website, http://www.elvaco.com |
Valid report template number. |
type of recipient |
The type of recipient the Push Report will be delivered to. See Table 6, “Push report protocols” for more information. |
email.to, ftp.server, http.url, sms.to |
recipient |
The addresses of the Push Report recipients. |
Valid e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or server addresses. |
Table 6. Push report protocols
Field |
Explanation |
email.to |
Used to set up a list of e-mail addresses to receive the Push Report. |
ftp.server |
They are used to set up an FTP server where the Push Report will be uploaded as downloadable files. |
http.url |
Used to set up an HTTP server, where Push Reports will be uploaded. |
sms.to |
Used to set up a list of phone numbers to receive the Push Reports by SMS. |
There are five different events available for CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130, each one described in Table 8, “List of events”. If an event is triggered, an Event Report will be delivered to all e-mail default recipients.
To enable an Event Report:
Send the following command.
set [event]. enabled=true
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the Event Report has been enabled.
Table 7. Enable event reports
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
event |
The event that will trigger the Event Report. |
An arbitrary command from Table 8, “List of events” |
Table 8. List of events
Variable |
Explanation |
Command |
reboot event |
Triggered when the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 undergoes a reboot. |
rebootevent |
balance event |
Triggered when the credit balance of the SIM card falls below a set limit. |
balanceevent |
firmware update |
Triggered when the firmware is updated for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
fwupate |
software update |
Triggered when the software is updated for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
swupdate |
software update synchronization |
Triggered when the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 perform a synchronization as part of the software update process. |
swupdatesynchandler |
For the balance event, the credit limit of the SIM card that will trigger the report can be set.
To set the balance event credit limit:
Send the following command to the product.
set.common.event.balance.low=[credit limit]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the credit limit has been configured.
Table 9. Balance low credit limit
Variable |
Explanation |
Command |
credit limit |
The credit limit will trigger the balance Event Report. |
An arbitrary number. |
After performing a meter installation and setting Push Report schedules, a commission report should always be downloaded. It contains information about all current settings, including installed meters and Push Report recipients. Upon request, the commission report will be delivered to all default e-mail recipients. For more information on the commission report, see Sysreport – Execute a system report, System commands.
Once the product is up and running and you are comfortable with its basic operations, additional features and functions can further enhance its performance.
A settings command file can be used to quickly configure all desired settings of your product. The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will connect to Elvaco’s server and download a CAD file to synchronize its settings.
To configure product settings using a settings command file:
Send the following command to the product.
sync [cad file]
Ensure you contact Elvaco before performing synchronization to allow for the creation of a CAD file customized to your needs.
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the synchronization was successful.
Table 10. Configure settings using a settings command file
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
cad file |
The name of the settings command file that CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will download and use to synchronize its settings. Contact Elvaco AB. |
The name of a valid CAD file. |
Several commands can be used to check the current status and settings of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. As main sources, you may use:
The status report provides information about time and network settings as well as coverage for the product. For more information about the status report, see Status – Request status information, Status commands.
The system report provides information about product settings and current status, all installed meters, and all configurable variables. For more information about the system report, see Sysreport – Execute a system report, System commands.
Send the following command to the product.
For more information, see Status commands. For the default status report, the information in Table 11, “Default status report” will be included.
The product will respond with a status report. It is possible to customize the information that is included in the status report.
Table 11. Default status report
Field |
Explanation |
Time |
The date and the time set for the product. |
Uptime |
The total time the product has been running since the last reboot. |
Signal |
A value between 1-10, describes the strength of the mobile network signal picked up by the product. |
Provider |
The name of the SIM card operator. |
Information about product GRPS coverage. |
The APN is used to connect to the mobile network. |
Send the following command to the product.
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the system report has started. An additional SMS will be sent when the system report has been delivered to all default e-mail recipients.
By using the get command, individual settings of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 can easily be checked, for example, the e-mail default recipients. For more information about the get command, see Get – Check configuration values, Configuration commands.
To check individual current settings:
Send the following command to the product.
get common.[product setting]
A selection of settings that can be displayed with the get command is listed in Table 13, “Selection of configuration values”.
The product will respond with an SMS, displaying the configuration value currently used for the specific setting.
Table 12. Getting product settings
Variable |
Settings |
Explanation |
product setting |
The setting of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 that you want to display. |
An arbitrary command from Table 13, “Selection of configuration values”. |
Table 13. Selection of configuration values
Variable |
Explanation |
Command |
e-mail recipients |
The e-mail default recipients are set to receive activated e-mail Push Reports. |
common.email.to |
e-mail server |
The default e-mail server is set. |
common.email.server |
ftp server |
The FTP server is set to receive activated FTP Push Reports. |
common.ftp.server |
http server |
The URL of the HTTP server is set to receive activated HTTP Push Reports. |
common.http.url |
sms recipients |
The list of phone numbers is set to receive activated Push Reports. |
common.sms.to |
trusted phone numbers |
The list of trusted phone numbers that are able to access the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
common.security.nraccesslist |
trusted ip addresses |
The list of trusted IP addresses which are able to access the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
common.security.ipaccesslist |
search mode |
The way meters are addressed on the M-Bus. |
common.device.mbus.searchmode |
baud rate |
The speed of communication at the M-Bus. |
common.device.mbus.searchbaud |
product name |
The name used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to identify itself in Push Reports. |
common.product.name |
CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 uses a system log to log events taking place on the M-Bus. Each log entry corresponds to a severity level, which makes it possible to adjust the content of the system log by setting the minimum severity level of logged events. Table 14, “System Log severity levels” describes each level.
For example, by setting the severity level to 0, all system events with a severity level of zero or higher will be logged. For more information about the system log, see Logreport – Execute a system log report, Status commands.
Table 14. System Log severity levels
Value |
Explanation |
-2 |
Debug events |
0 |
Info events |
1 |
Warning events |
2 |
Error events |
3 |
Critical events |
4 |
Exception events |
To change the minimum severity level of system log entries:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.syslog.level=[minimum severity level]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the minimum severity level has been set.
It is highly recommended that debug log entries -2 are only logged in case of troubleshooting. If not, the system log will fill up very fast, and it might be hard to navigate. Logging debug log entries might also affect the performance of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 negatively.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
minimum severity level |
The lower limit of the events that will be logged. |
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 has a built-in management system for wireless encryption keys, where a meter encryption key is registered in the product to enable the decryption of incoming messages.
To add a meter encryption key:
Send the following command to the product.
set key. [secondary address]=[encryption key
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the encryption key will be used to decrypt information from the meter.
Variable |
Settings |
Explanation |
secondary address |
The secondary address of the meter (set by the manufacturer and printed on the meter). |
8-digit number |
encryption key |
The 32-character hex format encryption key is used by the meter to encrypt messages. |
32 characters in hexadecimal format |
To display all registered encryption keys the meters correspond to:
Send the following command to the product.
If the encryption key list is longer than 160 characters, it will not fit into an SMS. Therefore, if using several meters, the system log may have to be used to display encryption keys. A system log report can be requested using the following command and will be sent to all e-mail default recipients.
For more information, see Requesting a status report.
The product will respond with a list of all registered encryption keys and what meters are using them.
The meter installation settings determine how the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will perform meter installations. This includes the handling of already-installed meters and the maximum number of meters the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will install. For more information about meter installation settings, see Install – Find and install connected meters, Installation and maintenance commands.
Send the following command to the product to delete already installed meters before performing a new installation.
set common.device.mbus.clean=true
Send the following command to the product to save the status of all installed meters before performing a new installation.
set common.device.mbus.keepstatus=true
Send the following command to the product to determine the maximum number of meters the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will install.
set common.device.mbus.maxdevices=[meter limit]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming each command.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
meter limit |
The maximum number of meters the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will be able to install. |
Integer between 0 and 128 meters (CMe2100 G3 CMi2110, CMe2130)/between 0 and 256 meters (CMe2100 LTE). “-1” will disable the setting. |
CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 supports the following set of common Push Report configuration options:
Making changes to a Push Report schedule, template, and recipients without activating the Push Report.
Set a header to identify the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 in HTTP Push Reports.
Remove current Push Report recipients.
Disable activated Push Reports.
Push Report settings can be configured by using the cfg command. Contrary to the sch command, it enables changing settings without activating a Push Report (whereas the sch command always activates the configured Push Report). For more information about the cfg command, see Cfg – Change a command or an event configuration, Configuration commands.
To configure the settings of a Push Report:
Send the following command to the product.
cfg [report] [schedule] [template] [recipient
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the settings of the Push Report have been changed.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
report |
The report is to be configured. There are five different Push Reports available. |
report1, report2, report3, report4, report5 |
schedule |
The time schedule by which the Push Report will be delivered. |
A selected value from Table 4, “Push report schedule options”. |
template |
The number of a desired report template. The template will determine the protocol of the Push Report. For example, if choosing 1101 (e-mail template), the Push Report will be sent to e-mail recipients only. All Report Templates are listed in Report Templates. For more information, please visit the Elvaco website, http://www.elvaco.com/download. |
Valid template number. |
recipient |
The addresses of the intended recipients of the Push Report. |
List of valid e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or a valid server address. |
An HTTP Push Report header can be used to identify the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 sending a Push Report. In this way, the end-user will not have to remember the secondary addresses of each CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. The information to be included in an HTTP header can be selected arbitrarily.
To set the HTTP header for a CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.http.header="[header]"
The product will respond with an SMS, confirming that the header has been set.
Send the following command to the product to remove all recipients of a specific Push Report.
set common.[protocol]=
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the recipients have been removed.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
report |
The Push Report will be configured. There are five different Push Reports available. |
report1, report2, report3, report4, report5 |
protocol |
The recipient protocol that will be configured. |
email.to, ftp.server, http.url, sms.to |
If more than one default recipient has been set for an e-mail Push Reports, individual recipients can be removed in the following way:
Send the following command to the product.
qset email=-[recipient]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the recipient was removed from the default recipient list.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
recipient |
The e-mail recipient will be removed as the default option. |
E-mail address of a registered e-mail Push Report default recipient |
Send the following command to the product.
set [report]. enabled=false
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the report has been disabled.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
report |
The report will be disabled. There are five different Push Reports available. |
report1, report2, report3, report4, report5 |
In some cases, it might be desirable to use individual settings for a specific meter. It is done by using the device command. For more information about the device command, see Device – Send a command directly to a meter, Meter commands.
Send the following command to the product.
device [secondary address] [baud rate]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the baud rate has been set.
Variable |
Settings |
Explanation |
secondary address |
The secondary address of the meter (printed on the meter). |
8-digit number |
baud rate |
The baud rate that should be used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to communicate with the meter. |
baud2400, baud9600 |
CMe2100 is a highly versatile product that can be utilized in numerous settings and arrangements. Advanced operations describes functionality that is needed in complex and demanding situations. Thus, advanced operations are not typically used, and they are often not of interest for standard users.
For the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to operate accurately, the clock must stay synchronized. This is ensured by having the product check a public time server two times per day. The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 uses a maximum accepted time difference, set to zero seconds by default. Thus, if the time of the product differs from the time of the server by more than zero seconds, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will adjust its time. In rare cases it might be desirable to change the time server, the time synchronization schedule, or the maximum accepted time difference. To learn more about the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 configurable time settings, see Time settings, Configurable settings.
Send the following command to the product.
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the time synchronization has started. An additional SMS will be sent when the synchronization has been completed.
To change the time server used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 for time synchronizations:
Send an SMS with the following command to set the type of time server to use.
set common.time.mode=[server type]
Send an SMS with the following command to set the IP address of the time server.
set common.time.[server type].server=IP address
Elvaco strongly recommends only using NTP which provides better accuracy, is more robust, and uses less network bandwidth.
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will respond by SMS confirming that the type of time server and the time server used have been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
server type |
The type of server used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 for time synchronization. |
ntp, daytime |
IP address |
The IP address of the time server that the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will use to synchronize the time. |
Valid IP address |
To configure the schedule used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to check the time server:
Send the following command to the product.
set timesync.cron="[cron pattern]"
The product will respond with an SMS confirming the schedule has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
Cron pattern |
A cron pattern representing the schedule by which the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will check the time server. Each star needs to be separated by a blank space. |
Valid cron pattern |
A failed time synchronization attempt will act as a warning for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 that the network is not reachable. The product will then perform a reboot to reinitialize the network link.
The time synchronization schedule that should be used depends on how tightly the clocks need to be synchronized. Assuming that the maximum accepted time drift is in the order of one minute per month, utilizing a schedule of every 12th hour should ensure that the product has less than one second’s time difference (31 days * 24 hours = 744 hours, 60 seconds / 744 hours * 12 hours = 0.97 seconds). The default value will work well in most cases and allow for an ample timeout.
If the radio link between the product and the time server is of poor quality, the value might have to be increased until reliable operation is obtained. It is important to note that a poor-quality link will negatively affect the performance of the time synchronization as it relies on low-latency communication.
To set the maximum accepted time difference the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 is allowed to have without adjusting its time:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.time.acceptdiff=[maximum accepted time difference]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the maximum accepted time difference has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
maximum accepted time difference |
The maximum number of seconds the time of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 is allowed to differ from the time server before performing a time synchronization. |
0-86400 |
For the product to be able to connect to the mobile network, an access point name (APN) is needed. The product is by default running auto APN settings, therefore it will be detected and configured automatically. If the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 is unable to use the mobile network, you should verify that an APN has been set. To learn more about the product network settings, see Network settings, Configurable settings.
To check the APN set for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130:
Send an SMS with the following command to the product.
get common.net.apn
The product will respond with an SMS presenting the APN set.
Send an SMS with the following command to the product to disable automatic APN assignment.
set common.net.autoapn=false
The product will respond with an SMS confirming the action.
Send an SMS with the following command to the product.
set common.net.apn=[APN]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the APN has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
APN information of your e-mail provider. |
Valid APN |
Send the following command to the product.
set common.rat.mode=<param>
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the network mode has been changed.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
change radio access technology |
There are different modes to be used, Elvaco recommends using ALL (default), and then the module will use the best possible mode. In very special cases, the CMe2100LTE can be locked to different radio access technologies. |
The On Demand Report can be used to perform a meter readout and deliver a report instantaneously, without having to wait for the next scheduled readout cycle. The On Demand Report will contain the momentaneous values of all installed meters, and be sent to all default recipients of a selected protocol. It is also possible to request an On Demand Report for chosen meters only. For more information about the On Demand Report, see Momreport – Execute an On Demand Report, Status commands.
Send an SMS with the following command to the product.
momreport [template]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the On Demand Report has started. An additional SMS will be sent when the report has been delivered.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
template |
The number of selected Report Templates. The template will determine the protocol by which the On Demand Report will be delivered. For example, choosing 1101 (e-mail template) will have the On Demand Report delivered by e-mail. All templates are listed in the Report Templates. For more information, Elvaco AB. |
Valid report template number. |
Send an SMS with the following command to the product.
momreport [template] [meter list]
The product will send an SMS confirming that the On Demand Report has started. An additional SMS will be sent when the report has been delivered.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
template |
The number of selected Report Templates. The template will determine the protocol by which the On Demand Report will be delivered. For example, choosing 1101 (e-mail template) will have the On Demand Report delivered by e-mail. All templates are listed in the Report Templates. For more information, Elvaco AB. |
Valid template number |
meter list |
The secondary addresses of all meters will be included in the Moment Report. |
8-digit numbers, separated by comma. |
The CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 offers a set of security features, including setting credentials to access different operations and adding lists of trusted clients that can access the product.
Each operation of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 corresponds to a security level. To set the credentials to operate on a certain security level:
Send the following command to the product.
[current password];set common.security.password[level]=[new password]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that a new password has been set for that security level.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
current password |
The current password needs to be included in the command to set a new one. By default, the following passwords are used for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130: 1111 (level 1), 2222 (level 2) and 3333 (level 3). |
Current password corresponding to the selected security level. |
level |
The security level is to be configured. There are three different security levels available. |
1,2,3 |
new password |
The password that will be used to access operations of the specific security level. |
0-8 characters. By setting the password to blank, no password will be used for the corresponding security level. |
By adding a list of trusted phone numbers, the users that are allowed to access the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 can be limited to the ones represented on that list. To add a list of trusted phone numbers:
Send the following command to the product.
common.security.nraccesslist=[phone numbers]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that a list of trusted phone numbers has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
phone numbers |
Phone numbers able to access the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
List of valid phone numbers, separated by a comma. Leaving the field blank will remove all currently trusted phone numbers from the list. |
By adding a list of trusted IP addresses, the users that are allowed to access the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 can be limited to the ones represented on that list. To add a list of trusted IP addresses:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.security.ipaccesslist=[IP addresses]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that a list of trusted IP addresses has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
IP addresses |
IP addresses able to access the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
A list of valid IP addresses, separated by a comma. Leaving the field blank will remove all currently trusted IP addresses from the list. |
When configuring the M-Bus settings used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130, all the meters connected via the M-Bus will be affected. Such settings for example include: the addressing mode, the baud rate, and how failed M-Bus requests are handled. To learn more about configurable M-Bus settings for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130, see M-Bus settings, Configurable settings.
Setting the addressing mode will determine the way the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 addresses meters on the M-Bus. As previously mentioned, there are three different addressing modes available: primary addressing, secondary addressing, and enhanced secondary addressing (for wireless meters only).
To set the M-Bus addressing mode:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.device.mbus.searchmode=[addressing mode]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the addressing mode has been set.
It is highly recommended that the secondary addressing mode is used for Wired M-Bus since it will make sure that duplicated addresses are avoided. The M-Bus addressing mode will be set to secondary by default for CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
addressing mode |
The way meters are addressed on the M-Bus. |
Primary, secondary, esecondary |
The baud rate determines the speed of communication used on the M-Bus.
To set the M-Bus baud rate:
Send the following command to the product.
device.mbus.searchbaud=[baud rate]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming the operation.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
baud rate |
The speed of communication on the M-Bus. |
2400, 9600 |
The time and retry settings determine how the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will act in different scenarios, for example when a collision has been detected on the M-Bus. The default settings will only have to be configured in very rare cases.
To configure a time and retry setting for CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.[command]=[setting]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming the change of settings.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
command |
Select a command from Table 15, “Time and retry variables”, corresponding to the time/retry setting option you wish to configure. |
Arbitrary command from Table 15, “Time and retry variables”. |
setting |
Select a settings value from Table 15, “Time and retry variables”, corresponding to the command chosen. |
Arbitrary setting from Table 15, “Time and retry variables”. |
Table 15. Time and retry variables
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
Command |
recovery time |
The number of milliseconds of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will wait after detecting a collision on the M-Bus before making another attempt. |
A number between 0 and 15000 |
device.mbus.busrecoverytime |
request idle time |
The number of milliseconds the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will wait between making two requests on the M-Bus. |
A number between 500 and 15000 |
device.mbus.idleduration |
response timeout |
The number of milliseconds the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will wait for a response when requesting the M-Bus. The variable is automatically set to match the baud rate used. |
A number between 0 and 15000 |
device.mbus.responsetimeout |
request retry |
The maximum number of retries the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will perform when requesting the M-Bus. |
A number between 0 and 10 |
device.mbus.requestretry |
The M-Bus multi-telegram settings determine the maximum amount of telegrams received by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 for each meter readout. By setting a multi-telegram read limit, the product will receive a maximum of that amount of telegrams, regardless of whether a meter is trying to send additional ones. It is also possible to have the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 auto-detect the amount of telegram the meter is about to send and read all possible telegrams from the meter.
To configure the multi-telegram settings:
By default, the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will only read one telegram per readout. By setting the FCB bit, this value can be configured. To do this, send the following command to the product.
set common.device.mbus.fcbmode=[multi telegram mode]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the FCB bit has been set.
Send the following command to the product to set the multi-telegram read limit.
set common.device.mbus.telegramcount=[amount of telegrams]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the multi-telegram read limit has been set.
The FCB bit needs to be set to “counter” to be able to configure the multi-telegram read limit.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
multi-telegram mode |
The off setting will have the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 read one telegram (the first) per readout only. By setting the multi-telegram mode to auto, all available telegrams will be read. To set a multi-telegram read limit manually, set the mode to counter. |
off, auto, counter |
amount of telegrams |
The maximum amount of telegrams read for each meter. The settings only apply if the FCB bit is set to counter. |
A number between 0 and 255. |
The transparent M-Bus service enables a master device to communicate directly with meters on the M-Bus. It might for example be used in case of a debug or software update purposes. There are two different transparent M-Bus services available, Transparent M-Bus over TCP/IP and Transparent M-Bus over GSM. To learn more about the transparent M-Bus services, see Transparent M-Bus GSM and console GSM settings and Transparent M-Bus TCP settings.
The SIM card used in the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 needs to have been assigned a public IP address for the transparent M-Bus service to be able to connect to the product.
Send the following command to the product.
set common.tcp.tmbus[id].enabled=true
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the transparent M-Bus service has been enabled.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
id |
The transparent M-Bus TCP/IP service is to be enabled. There are two such services available. |
1, 2 |
Send the following command to the product.
set common.[command]=[setting]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming the change of settings.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
command |
Select a command from Table 16, “Transparent M-Bus over TCP/IP configuration options”, corresponding to the Transparent M-Bus over the TCP/IP setting you wish to configure. |
Arbitrary command from Table 16, “Transparent M-Bus over TCP/IP configuration options”. |
setting |
Select a settings value from Table 16, “Transparent M-Bus over TCP/IP configuration options”, corresponding to the command chosen. |
Arbitrary setting from Table 16, “Transparent M-Bus over TCP/IP configuration options”. |
Table 16. Transparent M-Bus over TCP/IP configuration options
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
Command |
baud rate |
The speed of communication used for the transparent M-Bus TCP/IP service. |
2400, 9600 |
tcp.tmbus1.baud tcp.tmbus2.baud |
packing interval |
The number of milliseconds of inactivity that needs to pass on the M-Bus line before the transparent M-Bus service will transfer data. |
A number between 0 and 65535 |
tcp.tmbus1.packing.interval tcp.tmbus2.packing.interval |
TCP/IP port |
The port that will be used by the transparent M-Bus service to connect to the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
A number between 0 and 65535 |
tcp.tmbus1.port tcp.tmbus2.port |
idle timeout |
The number of seconds of inactivity that needs to pass before the connection with the transparent M-Bus TCP/IP service is closed. |
A number between 0 and 86400 |
tcp.tmbus1.timeout tcp.tmbus2.timeout |
The transparent M-Bus GSM service will be enabled by default in the CMe2100/CMi21xx. To configure the transparent M-Bus GSM settings:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.[command]=[setting]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the settings have been changed.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
command |
Select a command from Table 17, “Transparent M-Bus over GSM configuration options”, corresponding to the setting you wish to configure. |
Arbitrary command from Table 17, “Transparent M-Bus over GSM configuration options”. |
setting |
Select a settings value from Table 17, “Transparent M-Bus over GSM configuration options”, corresponding to the command chosen. |
Arbitrary setting from Table 17, “Transparent M-Bus over GSM configuration options”. |
Table 17. Transparent M-Bus over GSM configuration options
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
Command |
baud rate |
The speed of communication used for the transparent M-Bus GSM service. |
2400, 9600 |
csd.tmbus.baud |
packing interval |
The number of milliseconds of inactivity that needs to pass on the M-Bus line before the transparent M-Bus service will transfer data. |
A number between 0 and 65535 |
csd.tmbus.packing.interval |
idle timeout |
The number of seconds of inactivity that needs to pass on before the connection with the transparent M-Bus GSM service is closed. |
A number between 0 and 86400 |
csf.timeout |
There is a group of more advanced Push Report settings for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. These include:
The value period determines how far back in time the metering gateway will include values when compiling a Push Report.
The value interval determines the time between each readout included in the Push Report.
The timeout value for each protocol determines how long a Push Report transmit attempt may linger before timing out.
To learn more about configurable Push Report settings, see Report1,…,report5 – Report commands, Status commands.
The value period sets how far back in time the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will look to include meter values in the Push Reports. It is configured by setting two variables:
To configure the value period of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.filter.mode=[time unit]
This will set the time unit used by the product when determining how far back in time to include meter values in the Push Reports.
Send the following command to the product.
set common.filter.param=[time value]
This will set the number of time units (set by filter.mode), and the product will go back in time to include meter values in the Push Reports.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
time unit |
The time unit used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 to determine how far back in time to include meter values in the Push Reports. Using the auto setting, all meter values read since the last Push Report will be included. Using interval will let the user set a start date and an end date for meter values included in the Push Report. |
minute, hour, day, month, interval, auto |
time value |
The amount of time units (set by filter.mode) of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will go back in time to include meter values in the Push Report. For example, setting filter.param to when filter.mode is set to hour will include all meter values from the last hour in the Push Report. If filter.mode is set to interval, meter values from a specific time period, set by a start and an end date can be included in the Push Report. |
An arbitrary number of time units or a start date and an end date. |
The value interval determines the time between each meter value included in the Push Reports and is set using cron patterns. To learn more about how to use cron patterns, see Customize service and job schedules, Configuring service and job schedules using cron patterns.
To configure the value interval of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.filter.value="[cron pattern]"
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the value interval has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
cron pattern |
Sets the time between each meter value included in the Push Reports. |
A valid cron pattern. Each star needs to be separated by a blank space. |
For FTP and e-mail Push Reports, a timeout value can be set. It determines how long a Push Report attempt may linger before being marked as failed.
To configure the Push Report timeout settings:
Send the following command to the product to set the timeout for FTP Push Reports.
set common.ftp.timeout=[timeout value]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the timeout settings have been changed.
Send the following command to the product to set the timeout for email Push Reports.
common.email.timeout=[timeout value]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the timeout settings have been changed.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
timeout value |
The maximum number of seconds a Push Report attempt may linger before it is interrupted. |
A number between 0 and 86400 |
The job retry settings determine how the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will perform retries for scheduled jobs, for example, a meter readout, if the first attempt should fail. These include the maximum number of times the product will attempt a job and the time between each such attempt.
To configure the retry settings for scheduled jobs:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.schedule.retrymax=[maximum number of retries]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the maximum number of retries has been set.
Send the following command to the product.
set common.schedule.retryoffset=[time between retries]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the time between retries has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
maximum number of retries |
The maximum number of retries the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will perform for a scheduled task. |
An integer between 0 and 10. |
retry offset |
The time in seconds between each retry attempt. |
A number between 0 and 86400. |
The product can be accessed through a console application, i.e. by using a command-line interface. This service is normally only used in case of troubleshooting or for advanced operations. To learn more about the console application service, see Console TCP settings, Configurable settings.
The SIM card used needs to have been assigned a public IP address for the console application to connect to the product.
Send the following command to the product.
set common.console.enabled=true
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the console application has been activated.
Send the following command to the product to determine what port the console application will connect to.
set common.tcp.console.port=[port number]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the port has been set.
Send the following command to the product to determine the timeout value for the console application.
set common.tcp.console.timeout=[timeout value]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the timeout value has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
port number |
The port number used by the console application to connect to the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130. |
An integer between 0 and 65635. |
timeout value |
The time in seconds of inactivity that needs to pass before a connection with the console application is closed. |
A number between 0 and 86400. |
By using the following commands, meter readouts can be performed and selected Push Reports can be executed manually.
Send the following command to the product.
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that all installed meters will be read.
Through a manual request, a user can customize a single Push Report, without affecting the settings of future Push Reports. To learn more about configurable settings for Push Reports, see Report1,…,report5 – Report commands, Status commands.
To run a Push Report manually:
Send the following command to the product.
report[report id] [schedule] [template id]
The product will send an SMS, confirming that the report has started.
A Push Report will be delivered to the default recipients of the selected protocol.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
report id |
The id of the Push Report. There are five different Push Reports available. |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
schedule |
Setting this field will determine the values included in the Push Report. However, it will not make any changes actual Push Report schedule. |
An arbitrary value from Table 4, “Push report schedule options”. |
template id |
The desired template id for the requested Push Report. The template will determine by which protocol the Push Report will be delivered. For example, selecting 1101 (e-mail template) will have the Push Report delivered by e-mail. All available templates are listed in List of Report templates. |
Valid template id number |
The identity set for the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 will be included in all Push Reports sent by the product and can be chosen arbitrarily. Similarly, branding settings are used to include various information in Push Reports, for example, telephone number and address. The localization settings determine the language and the separator used for decimal numbers.
To set the identity:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.product.name=[product name]
The product will respond with an SMS, confirming that its name has been changed.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
product name |
The product name, which will be included in all Push Reports. |
Arbitrary text. |
To set the localization settings of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130:
Send the following command to the product to set the language for the product.
set common.product.culture=[language]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the language has been set.
Send the following command to the product that should be used for decimal numbers.
set common.product.culture.decimalseparator=[decimal separator]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the decimal separator has been set.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
language |
The language used by the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130 |
en |
decimal separator |
The separator is used for decimal numbers. |
Arbitrary character. |
The branding settings let the user include addressing information in Push Reports, for example, address and telephone number. To learn more about the branding settings of the CMe2100/CMi2110/CMe2130, see Branding settings, Configurable settings.
To set the branding information that will be included in Push Reports:
Send the following command to the product.
set common.[branding information]=[branding value]
The product will respond with an SMS confirming that the settings have been changed.
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
branding information |
The type of information to be included or configured for the Push Reports. |
Arbitrary command from Branding configuration options. |
branding value |
The value that will be used for the selected branding information. |
Arbitrary settings value from Branding configuration options. |
Table 18. Branding configuration options
Variable |
Explanation |
Settings |
Command |
company name |
The name of the company. |
Arbitrary text inside of quotation marks. |
branding.company |
company address |
The address of the company. |
Arbitrary text inside of quotation marks. |
company telephone number |
The telephone number of the company. |
Arbitrary telephone number. |
company e-mail address |
The e-mail address of the company. |
Arbitrary e-mail address. |
branding.email |
company logo |
The logo used by the company. |
URL to the company logo. |
branding.logour1 |
company website |
The website of the company. |
Link to the company website. |
branding.web |
For scheduled jobs, e.g., meter readouts and Push Reports, cron patterns can be used to customize the time interval by which the jobs will be performed. It is done by setting up to five different time variables, each one represented by a star. Replace each star with a number to set a specific job execution schedule.
Illustration of cron pattern
The “/” character is used to set periodic values, i.e., schedule a job with a recurrent time interval. The “?” character is used to generate a random value. Lastly, using the “|” character allows to combine several cron patterns. See the following example table including a list of chosen cron patterns.
Table 19. Examples of different cron patterns
Cron pattern |
Description |
15 * * * * |
Schedule a job 15 minutes past every hour, i.e., 00:15, 01:15, 02:15 etc. |
*/15 * * * * |
Schedule a job every 15th minute, i.e., 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, etc. |
* * * * * |
Schedule a job every minute, i.e., 00:01, 00:02, 00:03, etc. |
* 12 * * mon |
Schedule a job every minute during the 12th hour of every Monday. |
* 12 16 * mon |
Schedule a job every minute during the 12th hour of every Monday if the day is the 16th of the month. |
59 11 * * 1,2,3,4,5 |
Schedule a job 11:59 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. |
59 11 * * 1-5 |
Schedule a job 11:59 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. |
*/15 9-17 * * * |
Schedule a job every 15th minute between the 9th and the 17th hour of the day, i.e., 09:00, 09:15, 09:30, etc. |
* 12 10-16/2 * * |
Schedule a job every minute during the 12th hour of the day, if the day is the 10th, the 12th, the 14th, or the 16th of the month. |
* 12 1-15,17,20-25 * * |
Schedule a job every minute during the 12th hour of the day, if the day is between the 1th and the 15th, the 17th or between the 20th and 25th day of the month. |
0 5 * * *|8 10 * * *|22 17 * * * |
Schedule a job every day at 05:00, 10:08 and 17:22. |
?1-30 0 * * * |
Schedule a job at a random chosen minute during the first 30 minutes of every hour. |
In rare cases, e.g. in case of troubleshooting, a reboot might have to be performed.
To perform a reboot:
Send the following command to the product.
The product will respond with an SMS, confirming that the reboot has started.
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