CMe3100 BACnet Plugin
The CMe3100 BACnet plugin bridges the gap between M-Bus metering infrastructure and BACnet systems, enabling the extraction and conversion of M-Bus meter values into BACnet objects. This integration ensures compatibility and interoperability between diverse metering devices and building management systems using BACnet IP.
The service simplifies the configuration process, allowing users to swiftly set up and deploy M-Bus data into BACnet objects.
This BACnet plugin does not change anything in the ordinary meter collection of the CMe3100. What it does is to translate all collected M-Bus data and convert it into BACnet objects.
Elvaco strongly recommends to update your CMe3100 to firmware version 1.14.0, or the latest released firmware for best performance. The BACnet plugin requires CMe3100 to have firmware 1.11.0 or later in order to be able to activate the plugin. For detailed differences between firmware versions, see Release notes of CMe3100.
Our BACnet plugin for CMe3100 follow the BACnet standard, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135.
Elvaco has been assigned the vendor ID 1473 as a supplier of BACnet products, by ASHRAE.
The BACnet plugin uses mainly two different object types, Device for CMe3100 and Analog input object for meter data.
For certain measured quantites such as secondary address, SW version and internal measurements of CMe3100, Characterstring Value and Analog value are used as well.
The installation of the plugin is done by uploading a license file and activating the license.
Log in to the web interface.
Go to System>Licenses.
Select Choose file in the Upload new licenses section.
Locate the license file you want to upload.
Select Upload.
Select Save.
The license is now visible in the Current license (s) window.
Select System> Reboot device to finalize the installation of the plugin.
Important! Reboot the CMe3100 in order to start using the BACnet plugin.
Go to the BACnet Plugin in the web interface of the CMe3100. This page can be accessed in two ways:
Configuration > Services > BACnet
Dashboards > System Panel > BACnet
Available subpages are:
M-Bus mappings
EDE File
This section shows configurable settings for this CMe3100 BACnet plugin.
Standard port för BACnet/IP devices is set by default, port 47808 (BAC0), but can be configured to another port.
Representation of the CMe3100. By default, the hostname of the device is used CMe3100-<serial number>, e.g. CMe3100-0016123456.
Instance number
Identification of the device which need to be unique to avoid collisions in the network. By default, the instance number is extracted using the serial number of your CMe3100.
Advanced settings
BACnet does not only contain the M-Bus value translated into BACnet data. This section visualise all the automatically populated BACnet information that is being sent together with the BACnet value, e.g. unit, high limit, low limit and other information. In the M-Bus to BACnet mappings table below information can be visualised and exported.
Position or meter object identification (MOID) is an editable value set for each meter.
Secondary address is the serial number of a meter.
M-Bus DIB is a certain measured quantity sent by a meter, e.g. external temperature.
Object ID is an editable identification for each BACnet object.
Object name is an editable name for each BACnet object.
Unit of each BACnet object. Note that if the unit does not exist in both the M-Bus and BACnet standard, it will show "No unit" instead.
High and Low Limit can be set to receive information if the actual value is outside of the limits.
The CMe3100 must have done at least one readout of the meter before the M-bus to BACnet mappings has been created, otherwise the list will be empty. If no values has been read yet, you can manually perform the command Read all & store to collect meter data from all installed meters.
The ID, name, high limit and low limit can be manually changed using the import functionality.
BACnet object identifier (Object ID) is set and saved automatically by the CMe3100. This means that when new meters is added, a unique ID is set for each object, Thus, there is no risk of getting collitions. The Object ID is built up by a maximum of 7 numbers, and the convention is XXXXXYY, where XXXXX state which meter and YY state the measured quantity. For instance, the Object IDs 900 and 901 are the first two measured quantities for meter number 9 and 20700, 20701 and 20702 are the three first measured quantities for meter number 207.
In firmware version 1.12.0 and forward, the Object ID is automatically set and saved by the CMe3100 depending on the order values has been collected from meters. In firmware version 1.11.0 however, the BACnet object ID was was a calculated value extracted from the secondary address of the meters.
How the CMe3100 sets the BACnet object IDs changes between firmware version 1.11.0 and 1.12.0. This means that when upgrading to firmware 1.12.0 the M-Bus to BACnet mappings will receive new Object IDs. It is possible to change this back using the import functionality.
All meter data sent by the meter is using the same convention and is translated into BACnet objects. The naming convention of all BACnet objects is designed to give all necessary information needed to understand what the value means and which meter has sent it, see below:
<secondary address>-<telegram index>;<MOID>;<M-Bus DIB>
For example, 0016123456-0;Building1;ext-temp 0,0,0,0,0
Telegram index illustrates which telegram the M-Bus DIB is sent if the meter sends multi telegrams. If the meter sends a single telegram the index is 0.
Included in each Analog Input BACnet object is the possibility to add High limit and Low limit. This can be set both from the CMe3100 and from the client, which in turn updates the value in CMe3100.
Default configuration is set to highest and lowest possible values to avoid setting alarm flag unintendedly.
Table 128. Temperature and humidity sensor mappings table
Position |
Secondary address (meter) |
M-Bus DIB |
BACnet Object ID |
BACnet Object Name |
Unit |
Low limit |
High limit |
House_1 |
82000019 |
act-duration. |
100 |
82000019-0;House_1;act-duration. |
minutes |
- |
- |
House_1 |
82000019 |
ext-temp. |
101 |
82000019-0;House_1;ext-temp. |
degrees-celsius |
19 |
24 |
House_1 |
82000019 |
voltage. |
102 |
82000019-0;House_1;voltage. |
volts |
- |
- |
House_1 |
82000019 |
rf-level. |
103 |
82000019-0;House_1;rf-level. |
no-units |
- |
- |
House_1 |
82000019 |
relative-humidity. |
104 |
82000019-0;House_1;relative-humidity. |
percent-relative-humidity |
- |
- |
House_2 |
82000028 |
act-duration. |
200 |
82000028-0;House_2;act-duration. |
minutes |
- |
- |
House_2 |
82000028 |
ext-temp. |
201 |
82000028-0;House_2;ext-temp. |
degrees-celsius |
19 |
24 |
House_2 |
82000028 |
voltage. |
202 |
82000028-0;House_2;voltage. |
volts |
- |
- |
House_2 |
82000028 |
rf-level. |
203 |
82000028-0;House_2;rf-level. |
no-units |
- |
- |
House_2 |
82000028 |
relative-humidity. |
204 |
82000028-0;House_2;relative-humidity. |
percent-relative-humidity |
- |
- |
It is not possible to use the import functionality to change anything other than described below!
It is not possible to use the import functionality to filter out measurements series to decrease the number of BACnet objects.
For customers that do not want to use the automatically populated information, the export and import functionality of the M-Bus mappingsenables users to manually change certain BACnet information. The supported fields that can be adjusted are:
Object ID
Object name
Low limit
High limit
The process of manually changing any of the values mentioned is performed in below steps.
Go to Dashboards > System Panel > BACnet > M-Bus mappings > Action > Export as CSV and press Execute to download all M-Bus mappings to a csv file
Edit your downloaded csv file
Choose Action > Import select file and press Execute to implement your changes into your CMe3100.
Go to Dashboards > System Panel > BACnet > M-Bus mappings to see your updated information.
It is important to configure a suitable readout schedule in CMe3100, in order to have a proper steering from the BACnet data. This can be done by either setting a meter readout interval or by activating Continuous readout.
When all meters have been installed, a readout schedule can be set. It will determine the time interval by which the Metering Gateway will perform readouts of the meters in its Meter List.
The Metering Gateway offers the possibility of performing meter readouts continuously. The device will then constantly collect meter values, which can for example be used by a control system to regulate a heating system. Note that meter values collected through the Continuous Readout Mode will only be held in the internal memory of the M-Bus Metering gateway (not stored in the database) and can only be accessed using integration protocols such as REST, BACnet, Modbus, JSON or DLMS. They will therefore not be included in Push reports. To use Continuous Readout Mode in combination with Push Reports, the meter readout schedule still needs to be set.
Adding a meter to the CMe3100 results in that the new BACnet objects are created with Object IDs in the end of the list. Thus, there is no risk of retaking object IDs of previous meters or introducing a duplicate object ID.
The new meter will automatically translate M-Bus values into BACnet objects, as soon as meter data is collected. This is seen in the M-Bus Mappings table in the device.
If the added meter is replacing another meter, it is possible to use the import functionality in the CMe3100 to map the new meter with the old meter's object IDs. This way these BACnet objects can continue to deliver meter data, without the need of extra administration.
It is possible to set up alarms using the BACnet property Reliability that is available within our BACnet plugin. If the meter continuously is sending meter data, Reliability is set to "0: No Fault Detected". Supported values are seen below. When the Reliability goes from "0: No Fault Detected", status flags will be activate as "Fault" and "In alarm".
0 : No Fault Detected
1 : No Sensor
2 : Over Range
3 : Under Range
11 : Communication Failure
In order to support "Over range" and "Under range", high limit and low limit is required to be set in either CMe3100 or BACnet client for the BACnet Objects of interest.
CMe3100 EDE file export is used as output after the BACnet plugin ahs been configured. It is designed according to the specification created by BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU). Within the specification there are fields that are optional and some that are mandatory. Apart from the mandatory fields, Elvaco has implemented Unit type, Description, High and Low limit. Thus, the available data in the EDE file is the following:
Device obj.-instance
EDE file export is used for setting up another system, and cannot be used for updating any information in CMe3100.
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