Troubleshooting faulty CMe/CMi installations when Elvaco has sent an error report

Elvaco can not collect meter data from the module as expected. An error report is created and sent to the owner of the module.
To guide the assembling fitter when visiting an incorrect installation
  1. Always bring the CMe/CMi Series quick manual.
  2. Please read the error report and if anything specific is described perform it.
  3. Check the LED indcation on the CMe/CMi module (GPRS module with sim-card). Se page 32-38 in quick manual. If antenna is moved in purpose of finding better signal strength  always power off the module. Send the SMS "status" to control signal strength. A value between 1-10 is returned where 10 is maximum and 3 is minimum allowed.
  4. Check if the meter is powered up and display is lit, if not, meter is broken.
  5. If external module (not integrated into meter) Voltage over M-Bus slave should be between 24 VDC and 30VDC
  6. If problem not solved. Call supplier support.

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