HTTP Templates
This report contains value data in M-Bus raw format used when installation of a new meter is completed. This information can be useful to add meters when installation process is completed. This report sends a meter data report HTTP POST to an HTTP server. On execution of this report, one HTTP POST with all meter values in the body will be sent to the HTTP server.
To identify the product, the HTTP header User-Agent is filled with the following information:
User-Agent= TC65i/<imei> Profile/IMP-NG Configuration/CLDC-1.1 Model/<model> Hardware/<hw> Firmware/<fw> Application/<sw> Serial/<serial> Manufacturer/<manufacturer>
Table 227. Parameter description
Parameter |
Description |
15 digit product module IMEI number |
Product model, i.e. CMe1000, CMe1100, CMe2000, CMe2100 |
Product hardware version, i.e R4A |
Product module firmware version, i.e. 01.100 |
Product software version, i.e. 1.1.0 |
10 digit product serial number, i.e. 0006000000 |
Manufacturer name, if not specified 'Elvaco' is assumed |
HTML reserved characters should be converted to escape codes
The format of the filename differs depending on if the report template is a single file with all meters or one file per meter. The format adds the serial number of the meter for the latter.
<serial-number>_<report-type>_<time>_<report-id>.csv for single file
<serial-number>_<meter-serial-number>_<report-type>_<time>_<report-id>.csv for one file meter
Example 6. Examples of different report IDs from a product with serial number 0006123456 at 2010-09-01 01:00:00
Example 7. Examples of value reports sent from a product with serial number 0006123456 with three connected meters with serial numbers 87654321, 87654322 & 87654323 at 2010-09-01 01:00:00
The body contains rows. Each row contains the origin of the value and the actual value for a specific time.
Table 228. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
Product serial number |
1 |
The device (meter) secondary address |
2 |
The date/time of this value. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
3 |
The M-Bus telegram number from which this record is taken |
4 |
M-Bus raw data, starting with M-Bus CField. Stop character and checksum of the M-Bus telegram is excluded. |
Example of body contents |
The body contains a column header line and key value pairs of information.
Table 229. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed value indicating column information line. |
1 |
key |
Fixed value |
2 |
value |
Fixed value |
Table 230. Value line definition
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
Key name Can be one of the following: time serial-number event module-revision sw-version prepaid-infoavailable prepaid-credits prepaid-currency prepaid-expiredate |
1 |
<value> |
Value |
The body contains a column header line and log information lines.
The log level can be changed using configuration key common.syslog.level.
Table 231. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed value indicating column information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed value |
2 |
created |
Fixed value |
3 |
level |
Fixed value |
4 |
message |
Fixed value |
Table 232. Value line definition
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
Serial number of the product |
1 |
The date/time for this log information line. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
2 |
The level of this log line. Available levels are: -2 = Debug -1 = Unknown 0 = Info 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Critical 4 = Fatal 5 = Unhandled exception 6 = Event 7 = Network event 8 = Display text (only CMi2120) |
3 |
Log information message in clear text. |
The body contains a column header line and key value pairs of information.
Table 233. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed value indicating column information line. |
1 |
key |
Fixed value |
2 |
value |
Fixed value |
Table 234. Value line definition
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
Key name Can be one of the following: time serial-number name part-number imei imsi hw-version sw-version boot-time internal-temperature internal-voltage rssi gprs-available operator cell apn ip simid prepaid-infoavailable prepaid-credits prepaid-currency prepaid-expiredate |
1 |
Value |
Example of body contents |
The body contains one column header line for each device, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
To distinguish column header lines and value data lines, look for “serial-number“ at the beginning of each line.
Table 235. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
serial-number |
Fixed field |
1 |
device-identification |
Fixed field |
2 |
created |
Fixed field |
3 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field |
4 |
Manufacturer |
Fixed field |
5..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. The 6 fields are: Description Unit Function Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains rows. Each row contains the origin of the value and the actual value for a specific time.
Table 236. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
Product serial number |
1 |
The device (meter) secondary address |
2 |
The date/time of this value. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
3 |
The M-Bus telegram number from which this record is taken |
4 |
M-Bus raw data, starting with M-Bus C-Field. Stop character and checksum of the M-Bus telegram is excluded. |
Example of body contents |
The body contains rows. Each row contains the origin of the value and the actual value for a specific time.
Table 237. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
Product serial number |
1 |
The device (meter) secondary address |
2 |
The date/time of this value. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
3 |
The M-Bus telegram number from which this record is taken |
4 |
M-Bus raw data, starting with M-Bus C-Field. Stop character and checksum of the M-Bus telegram is excluded. |
Example of body contents |
The body contains one column header line and one or more value data lines. Each column header in the first line of a file describes the contents of the value data lines.
Table 238. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
serial-number |
Fixed field |
1 |
device-identification |
Fixed field |
2 |
created |
Fixed field |
3 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field |
4..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. The 6 fields are: Description Unit Function Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line and one or more value data lines. Each column header in the first line of a file describes the contents of the value data lines.
Table 239. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field |
2 |
device-identification |
Fixed field |
3 |
created |
Fixed field |
4 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field |
5..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. The 6 fields are: Description Unit Function Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 240. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
3 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
4 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
5 |
mbus-raw-value |
M-Bus raw data, starting with M-Bus C-Field. Stop character and checksum of the M-Bus telegram is excluded. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line for each device, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 241. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field |
2 |
device-identification |
Fixed field |
3 |
created |
Fixed field |
4 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field |
5..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. The 6 fields are: Description Unit Function Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 242. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
3 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
4 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
5 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
6 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
7 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
8 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
9 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
10 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the the M-Bus device signature field. |
11..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. The 6 fields are: Description Unit Function Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 243. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
3 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
4 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
5 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
6 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
7 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
8 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
9 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
10 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device signature field. |
11..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. These 6 fields are: Unit Description Kind Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 244. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
3 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
4 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
5 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
6 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
7 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
8 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
9 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
10 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the the M-Bus device signature field. |
11..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 8 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. The 8 fields are: Dif Vif Unit Description Kind Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 245. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-position |
Fixed field. Data row contains a field that describes location or other information for identifying the meter (MOID). |
3 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
4 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
5 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
6 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
7 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
8 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
9 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
10 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
11 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device signature field. |
12..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. These 6 fields are: Unit Description Kind Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 246. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
3 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
4 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
5 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
6 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
7 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
8 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
9 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
10 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device signature field. |
11..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. These 6 fields are: Unit Description Kind Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 247. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-position |
Fixed field. Data row contains a field that describes location or other information for identifying the meter (MOID). |
3 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
4 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
5 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
6 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
7 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
8 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
9 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
10 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
11 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device signature field. |
12..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. These 6 fields are: Unit Description Kind Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 248. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-position |
Fixed field. Data row contains a field that describes location or other information for identifying the meter (MOID). |
3 |
primary-address |
Fixed field. Data row contains the primary address of the M-Bus device. |
4 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
5 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
6 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
7 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
8 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
9 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
10 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
11 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
12 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device signature field. |
13..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. These 6 fields are: Unit Description Kind Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
The body contains one column header line, followed by one or more value data lines. Each column header line describes the contents of the following value data lines.
Table 249. Column header description
Column index (0 = first column) |
Column contents |
Description |
0 |
# |
Fixed field indicating column header information line. |
1 |
serial-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the CMe/CMi product serial number. |
2 |
device-position |
Fixed field. Data row contains a field that describes location or other information for identifying the meter (MOID). |
3 |
primary-address |
Fixed field. Data row contains the primary address of the M-Bus device. |
4 |
device-identification |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device secondary address. |
5 |
created |
Fixed field. Data row contains the date/time of the data row. |
6 |
value-data-count |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus telegram number. 0 = first telegram, 1 = second telegram etc. |
7 |
manufacturer |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device three letter manufacturer code. |
8 |
version |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device version. |
9 |
device-type |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device type as string. |
10 |
access-number |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device access number which is increased by one on every request to the meter. This field can be used to verify that no other M-Bus master has read the device. |
11 |
status |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device status field. |
12 |
signature |
Fixed field. Data row contains the M-Bus device signature field. |
13..n |
Value description information. This information describes the exact contents of this column. Depending on meter, one or more value description columns are added. The value description contains 6 fields delimited with comma. These fields provide the exact meaning of the contents of this column. These 6 fields are: Unit Description Kind Tariff Sub unit Storage number Please see Report Template Reference Information for complete description of these fields. |
Example of first line in body with column headers |
Example of value data lines |
Example of body with all contents |
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